601. Multitasking Doesn’t Work. So Why Do We Keep Trying?

AI transcript
0:00:05 Hey there, it’s Stephen Dubner with an announcement.
0:00:09 On Thursday evening, September 26th, I will be doing a live show in New York City with
0:00:12 my friend PJ Vogt from the podcast Search Engine.
0:00:17 The event is called A Questionable Evening, a Strategic Interrogation from Two People
0:00:19 Who Asked Questions for a Living.
0:00:25 So come see us Thursday, September 26th at the Bell House in Brooklyn.
0:00:29 Here’s open 6.30, show at 7.00, you have to be 21 to attend.
0:00:36 Tickets available at thebellhouseny.com or eventbrite.com, you can also find the link
0:00:37 in our show notes.
0:00:38 Hope to see you there.
0:00:44 And now, today’s episode.
0:00:45 I have a question.
0:00:48 What are you doing right now?
0:00:49 That’s easy.
0:00:52 You are listening to this podcast.
0:00:55 At least you’re partially listening.
0:00:58 If you’re like most people, you’re probably doing something else at the same time, walking
0:01:04 your dog maybe, doing some housework or desk work, or maybe coding, could be running a
0:01:06 table saw.
0:01:12 We all know what this is called, multitasking, a name taken from the early computing era and
0:01:14 now applied to humans.
0:01:17 It is almost a philosophy.
0:01:22 This is who we are and this is what we do, but there are some other things to be said
0:01:26 about multitasking, things that are not widely known.
0:01:31 It’s known within academic circles, but I guess we have failed to bring it out into
0:01:33 the general public.
0:01:38 And so on today’s episode of Freakonomics Radio, which you were kind of listening to,
0:01:41 we will tell you what the academics have failed to tell you.
0:01:44 There is some surprising science on multitasking.
0:01:48 It tells us something about the basic architecture of our brains.
0:01:53 Most important, we’ll hear whether multitasking works and we’ll hear from someone who opposes
0:01:57 multitasking and yet helps sell a product that promotes it.
0:02:01 Yeah, I think it’s a reasonable paradox to present.
0:02:02 Welcome back, everybody.
0:02:04 Hope you had a good summer.
0:02:05 I’m happy to be back.
0:02:07 The new season commences now.
0:02:25 This is Freakonomics Radio, the podcast that explores the hidden side of everything with
0:02:37 your host, Stephen Dubner.
0:02:42 Olivia Grace is a well-educated, well-established professional, born in southeast England and
0:02:44 now living in San Francisco.
0:02:49 When she was in her 20s trying to decide on a career, she took a series of tests to become
0:02:51 an air traffic controller.
0:02:54 Effectively, what you’re doing is you’re sat at a computer and they’re like, “Hey,
0:02:57 the main screen is going to show you simple math,” and they made it clear that there’s
0:03:00 going to be multiple tasks, and so they’re not just judging you on the speed at which
0:03:01 you do simple math.
0:03:05 They’re judging you on the speed and accuracy with which you do simple math, whilst also
0:03:08 judging you on the speed and accuracy with which you do other tasks.
0:03:10 You start at 2 plus 2 is 4, 3 times 3 is 9.
0:03:11 Yeah, I’m doing it.
0:03:12 It’s going great.
0:03:15 Then they’re like, “Okay, every time this light is red, push the other button.”
0:03:17 You’re like, “Okay, 2 plus 2 is 4, light is red, push the button.”
0:03:20 2 plus 2 is 4, light is red, push the button.
0:03:23 Then they’re like, “Okay, the last one, and this is the most important one, is there’s
0:03:28 a third area of the screen where two dots are going to fly across a square.”
0:03:29 Imagine Pong, but without the paddles.
0:03:34 Or imagine being an air traffic controller and you’re looking for planes on your screen.
0:03:39 The two dots are effectively planes, and if they are going to collide, push the button.
0:03:42 If they are not going to collide, do not push the button.
0:03:46 If you get it wrong and they do collide, very bad, very bad.
0:03:49 Looking back on the experience, would you say that they were essentially testing for
0:03:51 the ability to multitask?
0:03:58 I would say that they were essentially testing for the ability to prioritize rather than
0:03:59 the ability to multitask.
0:04:02 That seems to be the conventional wisdom right now, at least, is saying that actually you’re
0:04:04 doing things in sequence.
0:04:09 The piece that was really crux was, in that earlier example, don’t let the two dots touch.
0:04:13 If the math isn’t quite perfect or you’d miss a red light, that’s less important,
0:04:15 but don’t let those dots touch.
0:04:17 I know there were several rounds of this testing.
0:04:20 I gather you did not get cut in the first round.
0:04:22 I did not get cut in round one.
0:04:23 Congratulations.
0:04:24 Thank you.
0:04:25 I was proud of myself at the time.
0:04:27 And yet, you’re not an air traffic controller today, so…
0:04:30 No, my air traffic control career was cut short in round three.
0:04:36 Olivia Grace did go on to other jobs.
0:04:37 Yeah, absolutely.
0:04:42 I went air show organization, video game influencer, commercial value ad asset management, World
0:04:47 of Warcraft, podcaster, straight through that into World of Warcraft video podcasting, gaming
0:04:51 journalism, and then, of course, just like everyone else, product management.
0:04:54 I went to a game company called Blizzard that makes video games, and I went to a company
0:04:56 called Twitch that is live streaming.
0:04:59 I went and hung out at Instagram for a while, and now I’m here.
0:05:03 We’ll tell you later where Olivia Grace works today.
0:05:05 It is relevant to our story.
0:05:09 But let’s first examine something important, she said.
0:05:13 That the air traffic controller test wasn’t really about multitasking, about doing two
0:05:16 or three things simultaneously.
0:05:17 Remember what she said.
0:05:21 The conventional wisdom, right now at least, is that you’re actually doing things in
0:05:22 sequence.
0:05:28 Now, Grace is not a scientist or a multitasking scholar, but we found someone who is.
0:05:33 And according to him, Olivia Grace was exactly right.
0:05:37 For most of us, what we’re really doing is switching our attention between task one and
0:05:40 task two and task one and task two.
0:05:44 When you’re doing task one, you’re not paying attention to task two, and there’s a switch
0:05:49 cost involved in switching the mental architecture from one task to the next.
0:05:51 That is David Strayer.
0:05:56 I’m a professor in the psychology department in the University of Utah.
0:06:01 And how would you describe your research interests or particular focus?
0:06:05 My research is really focused on various aspects of attention, selectively processing some
0:06:12 of the environment, attention in multitasking, attention in real-world contexts like driving,
0:06:15 aviation, and so forth.
0:06:17 We have spoken with David Strayer before.
0:06:24 Episode 548, it’s called Why is the U.S. So Good at Killing Pedestrians?
0:06:30 The four things that are killing people are speeding, alcohol and intoxication, fatigue
0:06:31 and distraction.
0:06:36 Distraction has been prevalent for a long time, but increasing quite rapidly, and we
0:06:40 think that that’s one of the major reasons for the increase in the number of roadway
0:06:41 fatalities.
0:06:45 Strayer knows much of what he knows because of the experiments he runs at his Applied
0:06:48 Cognition Laboratory in Salt Lake City.
0:06:54 Often, he measures how people perform one task once they’re given a second task.
0:06:59 We think about multitasking as trying to do two separate cognitively-based tasks at the
0:07:00 same time.
0:07:06 A classic example, one that just about everybody attempts to do is drive a car and talk on
0:07:07 a cell phone.
0:07:12 We don’t do that well, and more and more people have these gadgets in the car they bring
0:07:18 with them, or the car itself becomes a platform for multitasking, and we don’t do it well.
0:07:23 So it’s probably a big source for the injuries and fatalities and crashes on the road.
0:07:29 Now it would seem obvious, at least to me, maybe I’m wrong, that not all multitasking
0:07:34 is either difficult and certainly not as dangerous as driving in a car and trying to do something
0:07:37 else that’s cognitively in or physically demanding.
0:07:44 Can you give me some examples of what you see as benign or, in fact, productive multitasking?
0:07:48 I would actually just say that even the simplest things like walking and talking, what you’d
0:07:52 think would be pretty automatic, turn out to be tasks that compete.
0:07:57 So if you’re walking without talking, as soon as you start talking, you’ll see that
0:08:01 the pace of your walk changes, and you may be more likely to trip.
0:08:08 Anything that is depending on attention to be able to process the world is susceptible
0:08:11 to dual-task interference or problems associated with multitasking.
0:08:17 A simple example we give is saying the letters of the alphabet, A, B, C, D, E, or counting,
0:08:18 one, two, three, four, five.
0:08:24 Those are easy, but if you try and combine them and do something like A1, B2, C3, D4,
0:08:27 you’ll quickly find that that becomes difficult.
0:08:28 You start to forget where you are.
0:08:33 And those are two super well-learned tasks that you can do by themselves, but when you
0:08:38 try and mix them together, you get all jumbled as soon as you start to multitask, performance
0:08:40 on both of the tasks start to degrade.
0:08:46 Now, how much of that is a function of attempting to multitask versus the fact that we learn
0:08:50 habits and patterns and memorize things that become rote that we don’t need to engage our
0:08:51 cognitive process at all?
0:08:54 You can become automatic at certain aspects of performance.
0:08:59 When your performance is habitual or automatic, it is less dependent on attention.
0:09:03 So a lot of things kind of just happen without consciously thinking about them.
0:09:10 But new things, new activities, or new environments demand you to pay attention to allocate the
0:09:14 prefrontal cortex to process some of that information that’s new and novel.
0:09:18 That’s the real problem is that if you’re always in a situation where everything’s exactly
0:09:23 routine, you’re not stressing the parts of the brain that are responsible for multitasking.
0:09:28 But as soon as you have some novel activity like talking, like driving a car, riding a
0:09:31 bicycle, you have to pay attention to what you’re doing.
0:09:34 You have to engage the prefrontal executive attentional networks.
0:09:42 Do you know anything or think much about multitasking and multitasking failures in other high stakes
0:09:48 settings beyond driving, whether it’s military decisions or political decisions, business
0:09:49 decisions?
0:09:52 So we’ve looked in the medical domain, medical human factors.
0:09:56 You can see it in terms of, say, delivery of medicine at a pharmacy.
0:10:01 If the pharmacist is constantly being interrupted with calls, they’re going to fill the prescription
0:10:02 incorrectly.
0:10:07 If an anesthesiologist or a surgeon is distracted by the technology in the operating room, that
0:10:08 can create a problem.
0:10:11 In the operating room, it’s not just the phone, although that’s sometimes present.
0:10:16 But you have all the displays and technology, each one of those is creating alarms that
0:10:23 creates this whirl of noise and alerts and distractions that compete for the anesthesiologist
0:10:24 and the surgeon’s attention.
0:10:30 So I’ve been reading about how the modern worker, let’s say, in the U.S., they could
0:10:34 be in marketing, they could be at a nonprofit, could be in finance, whatever, that if you’re
0:10:39 working with a computer, which describes many, many, many of us now, obviously, that one
0:10:46 big change in the last 15 or 20 years is how many pieces of software and how many platforms
0:10:49 are, I don’t want to say fighting for your attention necessarily, it sounds a little
0:10:53 more pejorative than I mean it to be, but how in the course of your workday, you need
0:10:56 to switch and switch and switch and switch.
0:11:01 We all may have multiple pieces of communication software, multiple pieces of productivity software
0:11:02 and so on.
0:11:09 Can you talk about that what seems to be a relatively low stakes environment, the workplace
0:11:15 in a marketing firm or whatever, but how our attention is being carved up during the course
0:11:16 of the day?
0:11:20 I mean, the research shows that you have a loss of productivity when you’re trying to
0:11:23 multitask, just the opposite of what you think.
0:11:26 So you may think, if I’m multitasking, I’m getting a lot more things done, but what happens
0:11:32 is a big chunk of our day is lost as we’re switching from one task to the other to the
0:11:33 other.
0:11:37 What they find is that the best way to be productive in the office is to try and focus
0:11:42 on one task at a time, focus on just sending that memo out, writing that email, doing
0:11:47 whatever that operation is for a short period of time, then take a break and then come back
0:11:48 to it.
0:11:51 Don’t try and juggle back and forth because you’ll get confused, you’ll get lost, you’ll
0:11:55 be this where was I kind of switch cost.
0:12:00 I was pleased to learn from David Strayer that most of us are really not capable of
0:12:01 multitasking.
0:12:05 I’ve been thinking about this topic for a while now, although I wouldn’t call myself
0:12:07 a neutral observer.
0:12:12 I have come to believe that most of us are being asked to pay more and more attention
0:12:19 to a variety of alerts and notifications of the digital and analog varieties and that
0:12:26 we try to satisfy this demand but usually fail, but then we pretend that our failure
0:12:31 is still some kind of victory because we’re getting two things done at once because we
0:12:35 are allegedly being more productive.
0:12:39 As for me, I have come to see things a bit differently.
0:12:45 I have come to believe that attention is a scarce and valuable resource and that distraction
0:12:51 is common and cheap and distraction, therefore, usually wins out.
0:12:56 For anyone who even occasionally tries to do what is called deep work, you will know
0:12:58 what I’m talking about.
0:13:03 The work might be coding or crafting something, reading or writing something, thinking through
0:13:05 a big problem.
0:13:09 There are approximately one billion podcasts and books that tell you how to create the
0:13:12 environment to do deep work.
0:13:16 Not alone tells us how distracting many of our environments have become.
0:13:19 This is hardly a new problem.
0:13:24 I love the story of the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer living in 19th century Germany
0:13:29 and complaining about the noisy horse traffic on the streets outside his window.
0:13:36 This distraction, he wrote, paralyzes the brain and murders thought.
0:13:43 It could be that I am someone who gets distracted too easily.
0:13:48 I am the kind of person who disables as many notifications as possible from as many pieces
0:13:51 of software and hardware as I can.
0:13:55 I also decline digital calendar invitations because I don’t find them at all inviting.
0:13:58 I find that they harass you into compliance.
0:14:02 Also, when I’ve met someone and they’re giving me their email address or phone number to
0:14:07 type into my phone and they keep talking while I’m trying to do that, I have to say, “Hey,
0:14:12 give me a minute, I really can’t type and listen to you at the same time.”
0:14:14 So yeah, that’s me.
0:14:18 Is multitasking as hard for others as it is for me?
0:14:23 Does it feel as costly to others as it does for me?
0:14:25 That’s what I wanted to find out.
0:14:29 As I mentioned at the beginning of this episode, the word multitasking originated with computers,
0:14:33 but I’ve also read that even computers don’t actually multitask.
0:14:39 They’re operating systems direct programs to toggle between tasks but at such fast speeds
0:14:42 that we think they’re happening simultaneously.
0:14:48 And now that so many of us are trying to act like computers, I thought it made sense to
0:14:50 talk to someone who knows about that.
0:14:52 My name is Gloria Mark.
0:14:56 I’m a professor at University of California Irvine.
0:15:00 I study human computer interaction.
0:15:02 Mark trained as a psychologist.
0:15:08 My interest is primarily in attention and cognition.
0:15:13 What happens when a person is interacting with a computer?
0:15:17 How does it affect their ability to focus?
0:15:18 When are they distracted?
0:15:20 Why are they distracted?
0:15:25 She started doing this research back in the early 2000s with a research assistant and
0:15:26 a stopwatch.
0:15:33 We were able to get access to companies and we would shadow information workers.
0:15:39 These are people whose primary task is dealing with digital information.
0:15:42 Can you name a firm or two or at least a type of firm?
0:15:47 I can’t give you the name because they prefer to be anonymous.
0:15:50 One was a financial services company.
0:15:57 Another was a medical device firm and the third was a tech firm.
0:16:00 The work was cognitively demanding.
0:16:02 People had to answer emails.
0:16:07 They had to do analyses using Excel spreadsheets.
0:16:12 Some people had to write reports.
0:16:19 Managers did whatever managers do and we would shadow people and every time people switch
0:16:24 their attention to do something else, we would click that stopwatch.
0:16:27 That person opens a Word document, start time.
0:16:30 They switch to email.
0:16:33 Stop time for the Word document, start time for the email.
0:16:35 We did that throughout the day.
0:16:41 Help me understand you and or like there are two of you, you and your grad student researcher?
0:16:42 Yes.
0:16:44 I’m just trying to draw the picture in my mind.
0:16:51 The two of you are going into these firms in a real work situation and you’re kind of
0:16:56 standing around or maybe standing near people or looking over their shoulders with stopwatches.
0:16:57 Yes?
0:16:58 That’s right.
0:17:02 Look, I love that you’re getting up close and personal because the data sounds like it
0:17:05 could be deliciously robust.
0:17:10 On the other hand, what about the observer effect?
0:17:12 These people know that you’re standing there.
0:17:13 How do you account for that?
0:17:16 Do you hope that they just get used to you or how does that work?
0:17:18 It was definitely something we were concerned about.
0:17:26 We always threw out the first half day of data with the assumption that people are going
0:17:28 to be posturing.
0:17:33 When you observe people in a real workplace, you discover very quickly that people have
0:17:37 to react to the demands of the workplace.
0:17:39 They might try to posture.
0:17:44 There might be things that they wouldn’t do if they see an observer looking over their
0:17:45 shoulder.
0:17:51 By and large, they just have to react to the demands of other people and the demands of
0:17:52 their work.
0:17:59 I will also mention that in 2003, when we started doing this, the stopwatch was the state of
0:18:03 the art technology at the time to be able to capture this.
0:18:07 But eventually, you could basically just monitor them internally from what they were doing
0:18:08 on their computers?
0:18:09 That’s right.
0:18:15 We could install logging programs that would detect every time people clicked on a window
0:18:17 and brought it to the forefront.
0:18:24 Okay, so what did Gloria Mark discover with her stopwatch and her logging software?
0:18:25 That’s coming up after the break.
0:18:39 I’m Stephen Dubner, and this is Freakonomics Radio.
0:18:43 Gloria Mark has been doing field experiments for years to see how people pay attention
0:18:50 in their workplace, to see how long they focus on the main task before another task interferes.
0:18:55 Back in 2003, we actually measured everything that people did.
0:19:00 When they were in interaction with another person, when they were reading books offline,
0:19:02 I mean, we measured everything.
0:19:08 But if we just looked at the data when people were on their screens, we found that their
0:19:12 attention spans averaged about two and a half minutes.
0:19:18 That means that for two and a half minutes, you are in an unbroken fashion directing your
0:19:20 cognitive power toward the task at hand.
0:19:22 Is that what’s going on?
0:19:28 To the extent that this can be measured empirically because sometimes we don’t know what’s going
0:19:30 on inside people’s heads.
0:19:36 I could be thinking about the discussion I want to have at home with my kids later while
0:19:38 I’m typing, for instance.
0:19:39 Sure.
0:19:40 Yeah.
0:19:41 But two and a half minutes.
0:19:42 So that sounds, on the one hand, terrible.
0:19:48 On the other hand, I have a feeling that compared to 2024, two and a half minutes might not
0:19:50 be so terrible.
0:19:51 That’s my intuition.
0:19:53 Can you tell me what’s the actuality?
0:19:55 Yes, you are right.
0:19:57 We did another study in 2012.
0:20:04 At this time, we were using computer software logging so we could get very accurate measures.
0:20:08 And we found that people averaged about 75 seconds.
0:20:15 So that’s a massive decline in attention span in a relatively short period of time.
0:20:17 Why were you asking this question in your research?
0:20:22 Did you just want to observe the length of an attention span for the sake of observing
0:20:23 it and how it changed over time?
0:20:27 Were you trying to figure out what were the causes, what were the consequences, what was
0:20:28 your mission?
0:20:30 I would say all of the above.
0:20:37 I was very interested to understand people’s ability or inability to focus.
0:20:41 And I wanted to know how is that related to stress?
0:20:47 It turns out the faster people switch attention, the greater is their stress.
0:20:53 For the average person who thinks that they are quite adept at multitasking, are they
0:20:54 deluded?
0:20:56 Yes, they are.
0:20:58 And there’s three reasons.
0:21:05 First of all, people may feel that they’re accomplishing more when they multitask.
0:21:10 But people make more errors when they’re switching their attention rapidly.
0:21:13 Another thing is that there’s what’s called a switch cost.
0:21:16 And we think we’re multitasking.
0:21:23 A switch cost is the extra time it takes to reorient to this new task.
0:21:29 The biggest cost that we found relates to the third reason why multitasking is bad.
0:21:32 And that is because it causes stress.
0:21:38 It’s not just correlation of shifting attention and stress, but it actually causes stress.
0:21:41 But I’m sure this operates on a spectrum.
0:21:46 What would you say are the characteristics of people who are better than average at,
0:21:49 if not multitasking, at least accelerated toggling?
0:21:52 I would assume that younger people are much better than older people.
0:21:55 Yes, younger people tend to be better.
0:22:00 Young people who have experienced playing certain computer games seem to have acquired
0:22:03 a skill to be able to switch better.
0:22:08 I’d like you to talk for a moment about what you psychologists call the zygarnik effect
0:22:14 and explain how that intersects with attention span and/or multitasking.
0:22:18 So Blumez Zygarnik was a very interesting person.
0:22:25 And about a hundred years ago at the University of Berlin, she did a study where she would
0:22:32 interrupt people as they were working on various tasks, and then she would measure their recall
0:22:34 of their different tasks.
0:22:41 And she found that when people were interrupted, they remembered those tasks better than those
0:22:43 tasks that were finished.
0:22:49 And when you think about it, it makes a lot of sense because you’ve got this unfinished
0:22:55 task and it’s just churning over and over in your mind, and you’re very anxious about
0:22:57 it because you haven’t finished it.
0:23:02 I was going to ask you a question that I thought was too obvious to ask, which is, why do we
0:23:03 want to multitask?
0:23:07 And I assumed the answer was, well, because we want to get more stuff done or we want
0:23:12 to appear to be the kind of people who are very productive or cooperative or whatnot.
0:23:18 But now that you’re talking about Blumez Zygarnik, it makes me wonder if it’s driven by a different
0:23:24 need, which is the need to resolve conflict, to get rid of that tension of the unfinished
0:23:25 task.
0:23:28 I do think that plays a role.
0:23:31 And I think there are a lot of reasons why people multitask.
0:23:39 We found in our research that people interrupt themselves about half the time, right?
0:23:44 So I do think that wanting to resolve conflicts in a number of ways.
0:23:51 So you have this memory of, oh, that email that I didn’t answer, or oh, that person who
0:23:53 I have to call back.
0:24:00 Very often, a thought will pop into my head of some silly question and I just can’t get
0:24:01 it out of my mind.
0:24:05 And I have to look it up on the internet to be able to resolve it.
0:24:06 Why do I do it?
0:24:14 It’s because the internet is so close at hand and because I can get that answer within milliseconds.
0:24:15 That’s why I do it.
0:24:17 And I’ve developed a habit.
0:24:24 And I know that there will be resolution after I look up that answer.
0:24:29 We had asked Gloria Mark to come to the studio with a test that she could give me, a basic
0:24:34 test designed to show the relationship between multitasking and stress.
0:24:38 Before we start, I want to get a baseline stress measure.
0:24:39 Okay.
0:24:47 On a scale of one to 10, Steven, where one is not at all stressed, you’re in a Zen state,
0:24:54 you’re just feeling really, really relaxed and 10 is extremely stressed.
0:24:57 You’re as wired as you can be.
0:24:59 Where do you fall right now?
0:25:06 Well, because I’m having a conversation with you, a substantial person on microphones
0:25:11 for the purpose of making a radio show, it’s not zero or one.
0:25:17 I’m very comfortable speaking with you and I’m in a setting that I’m very accustomed
0:25:22 to and comfortable with my own studio and I have my dog here.
0:25:25 So I feel pretty unstressed except for the fact that I’m about to try to do something
0:25:27 that I know I’ll be bad at.
0:25:30 So I would say probably four on a scale of 10.
0:25:31 Okay.
0:25:37 So on a scale of one to 10, one not at all stressed, 10 extremely stressed, you rate
0:25:39 yourself a four.
0:25:40 That’s right.
0:25:41 Okay.
0:25:44 So, ready to begin?
0:25:45 Here’s how the experiment worked.
0:25:49 Gloria Mark would read me a string of numbers and then I’d have to name the number that
0:25:54 came three back from the end, not counting the final number.
0:26:00 At the same time, the producer of this episode, Augusta Chapman, had arranged for another
0:26:06 of our producers, Zach Lipinski, to text me about the logistics of an upcoming interview.
0:26:10 They told me about this texting ahead of time because it wouldn’t have worked otherwise.
0:26:15 My colleagues know that I keep my phone on Do Not Disturb pretty much always.
0:26:16 Okay.
0:26:18 Let’s go.
0:26:23 Six, four, seven, seven.
0:26:24 That would be six.
0:26:25 Zero, four.
0:26:26 Oops.
0:26:30 I had just got a text from Zach asking when the next interview is.
0:26:32 I didn’t even hear you because I was so stressed out.
0:26:34 Would you mind repeating them?
0:26:35 Okay.
0:26:36 I will start again.
0:26:40 Zero, four, six, three.
0:26:46 That would be zero, but I had to stop doing what I was doing, which was looking up the
0:26:49 date and time of the interview that Zach is asking me about.
0:26:52 Can I just answer Zach over the microphone now, hoping that he’ll hear me?
0:26:53 No.
0:26:54 You have to do it through text.
0:26:56 People are so mean.
0:26:57 All right.
0:27:00 Now, we’re going to move a little faster here.
0:27:05 Three, one, zero, four.
0:27:06 Three.
0:27:09 Six, eight, two, three.
0:27:10 Six.
0:27:13 Zero, four, six, three.
0:27:14 Four.
0:27:15 Three, one.
0:27:16 Six.
0:27:17 Zero.
0:27:18 Three.
0:27:19 Four.
0:27:20 Cabbage.
0:27:21 Six.
0:27:22 Five.
0:27:23 Three.
0:27:24 Megalopolis.
0:27:25 Five.
0:27:26 Three.
0:27:27 Eight.
0:27:28 One.
0:27:29 Eight.
0:27:30 Eight.
0:27:31 Two.
0:27:32 Five.
0:27:33 Give up.
0:27:34 Oh, I so give up.
0:27:36 And I also didn’t even answer the text that Zach sent me because I was so despondent.
0:27:37 Okay.
0:27:40 So what’s your stress level on a scale of one to 10?
0:27:41 19.
0:27:43 I mean, no, it’s stress.
0:27:47 Well, distress include despondence and despair.
0:27:48 Yeah.
0:27:49 That’s part of the …
0:27:50 Yeah.
0:27:51 It’s very high.
0:27:52 Yeah.
0:27:55 I’m sure his slumped and, you know, if my dog were a little closer, I might kick her.
0:27:56 I feel so down.
0:27:59 So yeah, that was not a good experience, Gloria.
0:28:00 Thanks.
0:28:06 Well, I’m sorry, but, you know, we did want to demonstrate the pit faults of multitasking.
0:28:07 You broke me.
0:28:08 Yeah.
0:28:11 I think it was a good demonstration.
0:28:17 It was a good demonstration and a humbling one, although it did confirm my suspicion that
0:28:20 I am terrible at multitasking.
0:28:26 The good news, at least for me, is that nearly everyone else is also terrible.
0:28:29 Nearly everyone else.
0:28:36 There is a slim section of humankind whom David Strayer, the University of Utah researcher,
0:28:38 has come to call supertaskers.
0:28:40 We didn’t believe they existed early on.
0:28:45 So when we found the very first supertasker, I thought there must be something wrong.
0:28:47 We must have actually miscoded the data.
0:28:50 This was in joint research with Jason M. Watson.
0:28:55 When I tell people about the supertasker research, I begin by saying, in a classroom
0:28:58 of, say, 100, how many of you think you’re good at multitasking?
0:29:00 How many of you think you’re a supertasker?
0:29:02 Maybe half the class raises their hand.
0:29:08 Then when we actually test them, only about two, two and a half percent are in that category.
0:29:13 Strayer and Watson discovered this when they had research subjects drive a car or a car
0:29:18 simulator and then perform another cognitively demanding task.
0:29:23 Usually, this made people worse at both driving and the new task.
0:29:28 That’s because of the switch cost that Strayer and Gloria Mark mentioned earlier.
0:29:32 But a few people got better when they took on a second task.
0:29:36 Our conventional thinking was that everyone was going to show this cost when you tried
0:29:37 to multitask.
0:29:39 Then we found one.
0:29:42 Just watching what they could do was actually, I could hardly believe.
0:29:43 They would just make no errors.
0:29:45 They would just be perfect.
0:29:49 We subsequently have done a variety of things to try and understand that phenomena, looking
0:29:54 at brain imaging to try and understand what parts of the brain are acting differently in
0:29:55 supertaskers.
0:29:58 We can find that there are clear neural signatures.
0:30:02 Just recently, we had an online version where there’s about 10,000 people that were tested
0:30:03 around the world.
0:30:07 Yet again, we find about two and a half percent of the population are in this category of
0:30:14 being able to do two things at the same time without suffering the costs of multitasking.
0:30:17 We had one person who took the test and got a perfect score.
0:30:20 He then decided he’d replicate it again.
0:30:22 He made one error.
0:30:27 He was worried that somehow maybe he really wasn’t a supertasker and it’s like that you
0:30:31 even made one error is still like superhuman.
0:30:32 He goes, “Oh, good.
0:30:37 By the way, I happen to be one of the best site readers for piano in the world.
0:30:43 Everybody else we tested was an Olympic athlete who was competing in one of the Olympic games.”
0:30:48 Are they, do you believe, genetic outliers or is there a learned component of this?
0:30:52 Because when you mention the person who was great at site reading, maybe they became great
0:30:58 at site reading over time in all kinds of effort and what Andrews Erickson used to call
0:31:04 deliberate practice and then somehow that translates into an ability to supertask.
0:31:08 Or do you think the error was going in the other direction that they had that ability
0:31:13 ahead of time and that made them perhaps a great site reader and a great supertasker?
0:31:15 It’s a really good question.
0:31:20 The literature on skill acquisition says that the transfer gradients are relatively narrow.
0:31:21 So I might be…
0:31:22 Uh-oh.
0:31:23 Transfer gradients are relatively narrow.
0:31:24 I need an English translation for that, please.
0:31:28 That means just because I know how to ride a bicycle doesn’t mean that I know how to
0:31:29 surf.
0:31:33 What you learn is very, very specific to the task that you’ve learned and if you learn
0:31:37 and practice, practice, practice one thing, you can get really good at that, switching
0:31:41 the task just a little bit and all of a sudden the rules change and then you kind of go back
0:31:42 to square one.
0:31:47 So there definitely are things where if we practice and practice and practice, we get
0:31:51 very good at the very specific things we’ve been practicing.
0:31:55 In the case of our supertasters, these are tasks that they’ve never had a chance to see
0:31:58 before and they excel at those types of tasks.
0:32:03 We think it’s something about the way their brain is organized, may well be genetic, but
0:32:07 it’s something that they come into the learning environment with and it’s not something where
0:32:11 they’re transferring from one activity to something else.
0:32:15 We do know that there are changes in some of the areas of the brain, the frontal polar
0:32:21 region right at the very front of the prefrontal cortex tends to be more efficient.
0:32:25 So the brains are actually more efficient, processing that information in a way that’s,
0:32:26 well, superior.
0:32:30 One of the things we’re trying to identify is is there a say a gender difference, doesn’t
0:32:32 appear that there is.
0:32:36 Are there other characteristics about work environments that they may just gravitate
0:32:37 towards?
0:32:41 Don’t have the answer to that, but it would make sense that someone who’s really bad at
0:32:44 multitasking, maybe they’re not going to be cut out for some jobs.
0:32:50 Now, I assume that the 97 and a half or so percent of us who are not supertaskers that
0:32:54 we are on a spectrum of ability to multitask, yes?
0:32:58 There’s some people who can’t walk and chew gum, they’re clearly at the other end, they’re
0:33:00 anti-supertaskers.
0:33:03 And where would you put yourself on the spectrum?
0:33:08 If I knew what I know about probability and statistics at best, I’m probably right in
0:33:09 the middle.
0:33:10 And how do you feel about that?
0:33:11 Are you okay with that?
0:33:13 Yeah, I’m fine with that.
0:33:16 Knowing that I have characteristics in terms of my attention, abilities that are consistent
0:33:22 with the rest of the people who are wandering around on this planet is reassuring.
0:33:27 But wouldn’t you kind of like to be able to recite the Iliad in Greek and drive a car
0:33:31 and balance some modern version of a checkbook at the same time?
0:33:33 Wouldn’t it be kind of cool?
0:33:34 Yeah, I guess.
0:33:38 I mean, when some of these supertaskers came in for the first time, and we had an opportunity
0:33:43 to watch some of the performance they did, and it was otherworldly, just with something
0:33:48 beyond anything that I could possibly do, they have absolutely extraordinary ability
0:33:53 to be able to process multiple streams of information and do it successfully.
0:33:59 If you could identify those differences that produce a multitasker, would you want to find
0:34:04 a way, whether through technology or medicine or whatnot, to spread it around?
0:34:09 In other words, would we on balance in society benefit by having more supertasking?
0:34:13 I don’t know if that would be the direction I would be personally interested in.
0:34:16 I’m more interested in just how our brains work and how we think and what it tells us
0:34:20 about being human, and what it tells us about being human for the most part is that we’re
0:34:24 bad at multitasking, even though we think we’re good at multitasking.
0:34:33 Okay, given what David Strayer just explained about supertaskers and the rest of us, I have
0:34:34 a question.
0:34:40 Does it seem like the world is increasingly asking the rest of us to act as if we are
0:34:42 supertaskers?
0:34:44 Here again is Gloria Mark.
0:34:51 To be able to collaborate with other people or to participate as a good employee, you
0:34:56 have to adopt the software, and you have to use it to some extent.
0:35:02 You have a different app for a different purpose, and that’s going to lead people to switch
0:35:03 their attention.
0:35:11 If you remember when Slack first came out, gosh, I hated Slack, and within a month I was
0:35:14 on 35 different Slack channels.
0:35:20 It was designed to be a better solution than email, but as a result, it created all these
0:35:25 separate threads that you had to keep track of, and you kept getting notifications for
0:35:27 each separate Slack channel.
0:35:35 So, I think Slack is a really good example of how companies are conspiring to have a
0:35:37 switch attention.
0:35:40 Have you ever spoken with anyone at Slack to tell them how much you hate their software?
0:35:43 I have not.
0:35:46 Coming up after the break, we speak with Slack.
0:35:49 I’m Steven Dubner, and this is Freakonomics Radio.
0:35:59 We’ll be right back.
0:36:03 So far in this episode, we’ve heard from two researchers, Gloria Mark and David Strayer,
0:36:08 who have evidence that the vast majority of us can’t really do two things at the same
0:36:11 time, and when we try, we usually do worse at both.
0:36:15 So on average, multitasking leads to more mistakes.
0:36:21 It leads to lower productivity, and it causes stress.
0:36:24 Perhaps you are familiar with this type of stress.
0:36:27 Perhaps you are familiar with Slack.
0:36:31 Slack is a work-centric collaboration platform.
0:36:33 That is Olivia Grace.
0:36:34 We heard from her earlier.
0:36:37 She’s the one who tried to become an air traffic controller.
0:36:41 Today, she is a senior product manager at Slack.
0:36:44 Which basically means I make an awful lot of PowerPoint presentations.
0:36:47 But what I would probably put on my LinkedIn is that I lead a team that builds various
0:36:52 products across Slack with a focus on solving problems for people who are doing their jobs
0:36:53 via the internet.
0:36:58 Slack lets you message coworkers and hold group conversations on particular topics and
0:37:00 make audio and video calls.
0:37:05 The company was founded in 2009 by Stuart Butterfield, and it was bought out by Salesforce
0:37:10 in 2021 for around $28 billion.
0:37:14 Apple once claimed that Slack would replace email, but that hasn’t happened.
0:37:19 Instead, employees at many firms, including the Freakinomics Radio Network, find themselves
0:37:24 toggling back and forth all day between Slack and email, all while trying to find time for
0:37:26 the other things they need to do.
0:37:33 This has led some people to identify Slack as a key villain in today’s multitasking crisis.
0:37:35 Here are some recent headlines.
0:37:39 How Slack ruined work from Wired Magazine.
0:37:44 Slack is the right tool for the wrong way to work from the New Yorker.
0:37:49 I wanted to hear Olivia Grace’s views on multitasking, and I wondered if her views were
0:37:54 perhaps influenced by that long ago air traffic control exam.
0:37:58 Yeah, I think it was very influential, and I still think back to that when I think about
0:38:01 things like video calling systems at Slack.
0:38:07 When we are asking someone to make a decision during a video call, they’re doing this real
0:38:11 time thing that requires active and constant participation, and we’re effectively being
0:38:12 like, “Oh, is the light red?
0:38:13 Would you push the button?”
0:38:17 I always say to my teams that work on those products, don’t do that, unless it’s really
0:38:21 urgent and it’s like a decision you have to make that is going to influence that specific
0:38:22 video call.
0:38:27 Don’t ask people to do too many things at once, because they just can’t.
0:38:31 Do you believe that multitasking is essentially a myth?
0:38:35 I think that’s a statement that knowing what I know today, I would agree with, yes.
0:38:39 Do you work in an office face-to-face with at least some colleagues, or do you work remotely?
0:38:41 I work mostly remotely.
0:38:42 Do you have a car?
0:38:43 Do you drive much?
0:38:44 I do have a car.
0:38:45 I do drive.
0:38:47 What else do you do besides driving when you’re driving?
0:38:48 Do you listen to music or podcasts?
0:38:49 Do you talk on the phone?
0:38:54 Are you maybe on some Slack channels while you’re at the traffic light, et cetera?
0:38:56 Oh, goodness me, no.
0:39:01 I like to listen to music or listen to podcasts when I drive, but I will cue those up before
0:39:02 I leave.
0:39:07 I don’t like to touch screens too much while I’m driving because I prefer my attention
0:39:08 to be on the road.
0:39:14 You sound like such an advocate for the argument against multitasking, and yet you work at
0:39:19 a company that a lot of people think is facilitating the belief in multitasking.
0:39:21 Can you just walk me through that apparent paradox?
0:39:25 Yeah, I think it’s a reasonable paradox to present.
0:39:31 I think that for many people, work is this sort of ongoing prioritization exercised inherently
0:39:34 of like, “I’ve got to do this one big task, I’ve got to write this report, I’ve got to
0:39:39 write this proposal,” and maybe those things are exciting, and then you have this sort
0:39:44 of ongoing barrage of like thin tasks, like, “Oh, you know, Stephen pinged me about this
0:39:48 thing next Tuesday,” or, “Oh, I need to approve this PTO request, I need to look over here
0:39:51 at expense reports, I need to just get back to them on this.”
0:39:55 And so I think to me, it’s that prioritization exercise.
0:39:59 And the thing which I feel, I wouldn’t say like goes as far as breaking down the paradox,
0:40:05 but maybe helps to understand the paradox, is I think that working in a system like Slack,
0:40:09 we are uniquely positioned to help people with that prioritization.
0:40:10 And how do you do that?
0:40:13 I’ll actually go back to an example I mentioned earlier, the video calling product.
0:40:19 We want people to be able to differentiate between something right now, it requires your
0:40:20 attention.
0:40:24 Stephen is calling you, pick up the phone, this is happening at this moment, and it may
0:40:26 not happen again.
0:40:29 And so not only is that something which you need to be able to act on, we want to give
0:40:34 you grace of saying, “Be there in five minutes,” and that’s something which we really felt
0:40:37 passionately about adding in that flexibility for our users, and just kind of embracing
0:40:42 the real world version of it, like, can you jump on a call, isn’t a, yes, no, red button,
0:40:46 green button, binary choice, it’s like, “Oh, yeah, just give me five minutes to wrap this
0:40:47 up.”
0:40:51 I will couch all of this and saying, “I work at Slack, I use Slack, we live in Slack
0:40:52 at Slack.”
0:40:55 And so I wouldn’t be surprised if your listeners said, “Oh, she would say that.”
0:41:03 So here’s a heretical question, before Slack existed and before any similar software existed,
0:41:06 one could argue that the earth was spinning okay and people were getting worked on and
0:41:10 being productive and people were doing big things like building nuclear reactors and
0:41:13 writing books and so on, things that require deep attention.
0:41:16 But then there are many different kinds of work, plainly, and there are also many different
0:41:17 kinds of workers.
0:41:23 So you want to give everybody tools that are going to make them optimize for themselves.
0:41:28 But I do wonder with products like yours, and it’s not just yours, there are many, there
0:41:30 is this notion called induced demand.
0:41:37 The big example is there’s a road or a highway, there’s a lot of traffic on it and the designers
0:41:42 think, “Well, if we just widen it and build more lanes, that will help ease demand.”
0:41:45 And in fact, usually when you do that, the traffic gets worse.
0:41:49 There was a lot of demand in the beginning and so now that there’s more capacity, there
0:41:52 will be even more demand and it gets even worse.
0:41:58 So from my perspective, I could say that firms like yours are inducing demand by creating
0:42:03 more platforms for more communication, much of which may be useful, but much of which
0:42:06 may be not useful.
0:42:11 So if that’s the cynical or the outsider view of what your product could lead to, which
0:42:19 is more activity that may accomplish a tertiary goal but not the primary or even the secondary
0:42:22 goal, how do you think about balancing that out?
0:42:31 I think that the nature of communication and collaboration has, I think, I’m struggling
0:42:33 with this myself as I think about it.
0:42:38 If we think back to, your example was building nuclear reactors, I think that the nature of
0:42:46 that human collaboration has changed and it’s become more online and there’s become different
0:42:48 modes of communicating.
0:42:53 So I don’t want to be facetious and talk about the telephone, have you heard of it?
0:42:57 But I think that as over time, the way that we communicate and the way that we inherently
0:43:02 therefore collaborate has shifted, if we were doing this podcast in the ’50s, maybe it would
0:43:07 be those gosh dang telephones ringing all the time when I’m just trying to write my
0:43:11 punch card to drive this nuclear reactor.
0:43:14 I like the point Olivia Grace is making here.
0:43:20 As the world grows more complex, our technology lets us respond to it in more complex ways
0:43:24 which in turn jacks up the intensity for other people.
0:43:29 That feverish state you enter when you’re required to multitask beyond your ability,
0:43:35 that is what economists would call a negative externality of the technology itself.
0:43:40 You can put the blame for this on Slack and all the others constantly hijack our attention
0:43:44 but let’s be honest, we also need to blame ourselves.
0:43:49 We buy what Slack is selling because even though it may not be good for us, even though it
0:43:55 may not boost productivity, we seem to want to keep thinking that we are all supertaskers
0:43:58 when in fact only two and a half percent of us are.
0:44:04 I do think that collaboration systems do to some extent mirror the collaboration culture
0:44:06 of the companies at which they are used.
0:44:10 So if I think back to, for example, my timing gaming, we use Slack.
0:44:16 The expectation of response there was very different than now when I work at Slack.
0:44:20 For example, we would work these very big gaming events, eSports events, one called
0:44:25 BlizzCon and so when I was working BlizzCon, one of the things that I wasn’t a huge fan
0:44:30 of was that my boss would DM me and Slack at 11 at night and then call me because I
0:44:33 didn’t reply because I was asleep.
0:44:38 So that expectation of response is sort of like, would I mute my DMs from my boss?
0:44:39 No, absolutely not.
0:44:44 So there’s not a Slack feature that Slack can necessarily build to mitigate for how
0:44:49 my boss at that company expected me to respond to them at 11 at night.
0:44:53 Like there isn’t a sort of block your boss, like we could build that.
0:44:54 Should we build that?
0:44:56 I don’t know that we should.
0:44:57 I don’t know.
0:45:01 I think a block your boss feature is one of the first things I would have built if I worked
0:45:03 in a place like Slack.
0:45:06 Maybe that’s why I have never been asked to work in a place like Slack.
0:45:08 I mean, I can barely hold down a job.
0:45:12 I just do this, whatever it is we’re doing here.
0:45:17 And even so, I often feel battered by the many things vying for my attention.
0:45:21 I’m guessing you feel the same way, whether you’re trying to do some deep work or just
0:45:25 trying to act more like a human when you’re around your family and friends and coworkers
0:45:29 rather than acting like a poor imitation of a computer.
0:45:34 So I went back to Gloria Mark to see if she had any advice for us.
0:45:40 Yeah, so I think we need to think about solutions at the individual level, the organizational
0:45:43 level and the societal level.
0:45:44 I asked Mark how she works.
0:45:49 When she’s writing up a research paper, for instance, does she turn off her phone?
0:45:51 Does she shut her email program?
0:45:54 I do not have my email shut.
0:46:02 My phone is relatively close by, but before I check email or before I check my phone, I’ve
0:46:08 developed this habit where I ask myself, “Why do I need to check my phone right now?
0:46:11 Why do I need to check email?”
0:46:17 And usually in the past, it’s because I’m bored or because I’m procrastinating or I
0:46:23 want to do something more fun and interesting, but if I ask myself that question, it causes
0:46:28 me to reflect and I can stop myself from doing it.
0:46:36 This is a technique that I regard as meta-awareness, which is being aware of what you’re doing as
0:46:37 it’s unfolding.
0:46:43 There’s so many behaviors we do and we’re on our devices that are just automatic.
0:46:51 And when we can make these automatic actions less automatic and raise them to a conscious
0:46:57 awareness, then we can become more intentional in our actions and we can form a plan.
0:47:03 I’m going to work to the end of this page where I’m going to work 20 more minutes and
0:47:05 then I can reward myself.
0:47:11 So the notion of intentionality seems sensible, happens to resonate with me.
0:47:16 On the other hand, firms and institutions that we are engaging with, let’s say it’s a piece
0:47:21 of software and online community, they have different intentions in mind.
0:47:29 In fact, those software platforms are designed to make my participation and my almost addiction
0:47:32 to them unintentionals that I don’t even notice.
0:47:37 So do you really think that an individual who promises intentionality to themselves really
0:47:39 stands a chance?
0:47:46 It’s an uphill battle and I agree that algorithms are very powerful, but also becoming aware
0:47:50 of the power of algorithms can make a difference.
0:47:56 We’re in a complicated landscape every time we go on our devices, but it’s important for
0:47:58 individuals to make this attempt.
0:48:04 Another thing that individuals can do is practice forethought.
0:48:07 Forethought is imagining your future self.
0:48:10 Future self doesn’t have to be five years from now.
0:48:13 It could be the end of the day, 7 p.m.
0:48:19 And if I have this urge to, you know, I want to go on social media or go on the news or
0:48:27 check my email, I come up with a visualization of where I want to be at 7 o’clock.
0:48:30 And do I want to see myself working on that deadline?
0:48:31 No.
0:48:37 I want to see myself feeling relaxed and fulfilled and rewarded.
0:48:44 And the stronger the visualization is, the easier it is for us to stay on track.
0:48:45 Okay.
0:48:46 I love that.
0:48:53 Another thing that we can do is remember, attention is directed to what our goals are.
0:48:55 And goals are very slippery.
0:48:58 We can lose sight of our goals so quickly.
0:49:03 There was an experiment I did with colleagues at Microsoft Research, where a colleague
0:49:11 of mine, Alex Williams, developed a software bot that would ask people at the beginning
0:49:13 of each day two very simple questions.
0:49:18 What do you want to accomplish today and how do you want to feel today?
0:49:20 So what’s your task goal?
0:49:22 What’s your emotional goal?
0:49:29 Asking those two questions to people brought their goals to mind and helped keep them on
0:49:30 track.
0:49:34 But the bad news is that the goals slipped very quickly.
0:49:40 So people need to keep reminding themselves of their goals, writing it on a post-it note
0:49:45 or whatever it takes to remember what your goals are.
0:49:46 Excellent.
0:49:47 Okay.
0:49:52 Another thing we can do is to make sure we take sufficient breaks.
0:49:58 There is this idea that people have to push themselves to the limit.
0:50:02 And by pushing ourselves to the limit, we’ll accomplish more.
0:50:05 But we’re just getting our minds exhausted.
0:50:09 If you search on the internet, you’ll see all kinds of sites that say, “How to focus
0:50:16 non-stop or how to focus for 10 hours,” that’s the worst thing that we can do.
0:50:22 And instead, we have to think of our minds in the same way that we think about our bodies.
0:50:28 We can’t lift weights all day without getting exhausted and we can’t have our minds focused
0:50:33 hard for long stretches because our minds get exhausted too.
0:50:37 So we need to take sufficient breaks.
0:50:43 The best break of all is to go outside and to be in nature because we know from studies
0:50:48 that nature can restore people and distress people.
0:50:52 It’s a beautiful experience to spend some time in nature.
0:50:58 And if you can’t, then move around or find some kind of simple activity that’s calming
0:50:59 for you.
0:51:01 For some people, it’s knitting.
0:51:07 One guy I spoke to had a ball that he would bounce on a screen that was very relaxing for
0:51:10 him, whatever it takes.
0:51:14 So these are all individual solutions, yes?
0:51:15 Exactly.
0:51:22 At an organizational level, organizations can institute a quiet time in their workday.
0:51:24 And some companies have done that.
0:51:33 Let’s say between 2 and 4 p.m., where people just can’t be interrupted, people are excused
0:51:37 from answering any kind of electronic communications.
0:51:42 And it’s a time that people know can be devoted to doing some serious work.
0:51:45 Okay, what else can happen at the organization level?
0:51:48 Well, you should read email in batches.
0:51:53 You do it at the beginning of the day, maybe you do it after lunch and at the end of the
0:51:54 day.
0:51:59 Organizations can just send out emails three times during the day.
0:52:02 Organizations can reset people’s expectations.
0:52:05 It can help rewire habits.
0:52:11 Instead of checking emails 77 times a day, they just know they have to check it three
0:52:12 times.
0:52:13 Okay, good.
0:52:14 Anything else on the organization level?
0:52:18 I think we can move to the societal level.
0:52:19 Great.
0:52:20 What do you have?
0:52:22 Are you familiar with right to disconnect laws?
0:52:27 Oh, I’ve read that phrase and salivated at it, but I don’t really know how they work.
0:52:36 Right to disconnect laws are laws that do not punish people who do not answer electronic
0:52:42 work-related communications after scheduled work hours.
0:52:46 France came up with the El Comrie Labor Law.
0:52:50 Ireland came up with what’s called the Code of Practice.
0:52:54 The Canadian province of Ontario is quite advanced.
0:52:59 They came up with the Working for Workers Act of 2021.
0:53:05 There was a study in France to see how well these laws worked.
0:53:07 It’s actually a mixed bag.
0:53:14 In theory, it sounds really great, but a lot of companies just haven’t followed these
0:53:15 laws.
0:53:18 It also sounds like it may be a little bit hard to have both right to disconnect laws
0:53:24 and quiet time and/or only three tranches of emails a day, because if there’s the right
0:53:29 to disconnect law, won’t firms just try to cram more into the hours that are official
0:53:30 work hours?
0:53:38 Possibly, or they could just reduce the amount of email that’s being sent, which would probably
0:53:40 be the best solution of all.
0:53:44 Right to disconnect laws are a regulatory or legal move.
0:53:46 What else do you have society-wise?
0:53:51 I’m thinking of young people and children in particular.
0:53:58 There are media literacy programs that teach children how to use Google, but media literacy
0:54:06 can be much broader in terms of teaching people how to focus better and teaching them about
0:54:10 algorithms and the potential harms of algorithms.
0:54:16 For that matter, teaching young people about misinformation and how to be aware and look
0:54:19 at signals of misinformation.
0:54:24 It also means putting a limit on screen time.
0:54:30 Of course, this leads us to parents being role models for their kids because children
0:54:33 follow what their parents do.
0:54:36 If your child is near you, don’t be on a screen.
0:54:38 Give your attention to your child.
0:54:45 I think it’s really important to teach young people at a very young age how to have a healthy
0:54:48 relationship with technology.
0:54:54 I’d like to thank Gloria Mark, David Strayer, and Olivia Grace for sharing their insights
0:54:55 today.
0:54:58 Next week on the show, we’re going to keep this conversation going.
0:55:02 We’re going to pull hard on the thread that Gloria Mark raised right at the end there.
0:55:07 The amount of time that young people spend on screens and the older people who tell them
0:55:09 how terrible that is.
0:55:13 We’re talking about what I think is a huge global crisis.
0:55:18 I’m sure you’ve heard this argument that phones have created a mental health crisis.
0:55:21 There are, however, some dissenters.
0:55:30 It’s self-defeating and short-sighted to suggest that the phone is the only cause of this mental
0:55:31 health crisis.
0:55:36 Still, is it a good idea to get rid of phones entirely for young people?
0:55:40 I think thinking about tools to meet young people where they are is a much smarter idea
0:55:44 than just burning everything down and salting the earth.
0:55:46 That’s next time on the show.
0:55:51 One more thing, Helen Fisher, who was for years one of my favorite scientists and a
0:55:54 good friend, recently died at age 79.
0:55:59 Helen was a scholar of romantic love and was herself one of the loveliest people I’ve
0:56:01 ever known.
0:56:06 I really enjoyed talking about her own work and others’ work too, always with a wide-open
0:56:09 spirit of joy.
0:56:13 Her husband, John Tierney, wrote that toward the end Helen was too fatigued for phone calls
0:56:19 or visits, but that she had somehow heroically finished her final book and turned in the
0:56:21 manuscript to the publisher.
0:56:24 Talk about keeping your focus on the deep work.
0:56:29 Helen then said, “My work is done, I’ve had a magical life and accomplished more than
0:56:30 I ever expected.
0:56:31 I’m ready to die.”
0:56:35 I’d like to dedicate this episode to Helen Fisher.
0:56:39 You can hear her in episode 511 of Freakonomics Radio.
0:56:42 Why did you marry that person?
0:56:44 We will be back next week with a new episode.
0:56:49 Until then, take care of yourself, and if you can, someone else too.
0:56:52 Freakonomics Radio is produced by Stitcher and Renbud Radio.
0:56:57 You can find our entire archive on any podcast app, also at Freakonomics.com, where we publish
0:56:59 transcripts and show notes.
0:57:04 This episode was produced by Augusta Chapman, with help from Zac Lipinski and Theo Jacobs.
0:57:09 Our staff also includes Alina Kulman, Dalvin Abouajie, Eleanor Osborne, Ellen Frankman,
0:57:14 Elsa Hernandez, Gabriel Roth, Greg Rippon, Jasmine Klinger, Jeremy Johnson, John Schnarrs,
0:57:18 Julie Canfer, Lyric Bowditch, Morgan Levy, Neal Coruth, Rebecca Lee Douglas, and Sarah
0:57:19 Lilly.
0:57:22 Our theme song is Mr. Fortune by the Hitchhikers.
0:57:25 Our composer is Luis Guerra.
0:57:26 As always, thank you for listening.
0:57:36 I have always loved New York City.
0:57:37 Always.
0:57:40 What’s not to love other than the stink and the rats and the…
0:57:41 And the noise.
0:57:45 Occasionally terrible administration and corruption, blah, blah, blah, but mostly it’s great.
0:57:46 It is.
0:57:47 It is.
0:57:48 Yeah.
0:57:59 The Freakonomics Radio Network, the hidden side of everything.
0:58:11 [BLANK_AUDIO]

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    • Olivia Grace, senior product manager at Slack.
    • Gloria Mark, professor of computer science at the University of California, Irvine.
    • David Strayer, professor of cognition and neural science at the University of Utah.



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