391: Taking Local Businesses Online: $500k in Sales in Year 1

How did a butcher shop’s side project turn into “the best snacks in the world” — and $500,000 in sales in their first year?

And more importantly, could you apply the same strategies to help local businesses take their products online?

This story features Dustin Reichmann, a long-time Side Hustle Show listener. He has a blog called EngagedMarriage.com, and with the online marketing skills learned there, started a new consulting business to help other businesses build their online presence.

One of his clients was a local butcher shop. Impressed by one of their products–a higher-end, clean-ingredient meat stick–Dustin felt there was an opportunity to reach a lot more customers online.

So, he made Ryan — the owner of the butcher shop — a low-risk offer to partner and launch the product online.

What followed was a series of wins across multiple marketing channels and through a number of innovative promotional tactics.

Tune in to hear:

  • How Dustin approached Ryan with a win-win partnership.
  • The marketing channels and techniques they used to sell more than $500,000 worth of FireCreek snacks in their first year.
  • How they got their product into 50+ Walmart stores.
  • And how anyone can apply the same online and offline marketing strategies into their own business.

Full Show Notes: Taking Local Businesses Online: $500k in Sales in Year 1


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