a16z Podcast: Seven Trends in Blockchain Computing

AI transcript
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0:00:22 Welcome to the A16Z YouTube channel.
0:00:25 Today I’m here with Olaf from PolyGener, good friend of Olaf.
0:00:31 You’re both longtime cryptocurrency enthusiasts, maybe if you don’t mind, we’ll just go back
0:00:32 a little bit.
0:00:36 You were employee one at Coinbase back in what year was that?
0:00:37 2013.
0:00:38 Okay.
0:00:39 And I guess you got interested in crypto before that?
0:00:40 Yeah.
0:00:44 So I was in college when I got into Bitcoin and I wrote my undergraduate thesis on Bitcoin
0:00:45 in 2011.
0:00:48 And what first got you excited about it?
0:00:53 So when I first read about it, I thought there’s no way this is possible to have a native
0:00:56 internet money that isn’t controlled by any sort of central party.
0:00:58 So I found it fascinating on its face.
0:00:59 It’s just sort of technically–
0:01:00 Yeah.
0:01:06 But then once I dug into it, I kind of thought about the nth order implications and you realize
0:01:08 this is a huge deal.
0:01:12 It means that for the first time, you can have digital scarcity on the internet.
0:01:17 And of course, you could move to a global unified financial and monetary system that’s
0:01:23 outside the scope of any sort of sovereign state, political control, and is really opt
0:01:24 in by all the users.
0:01:28 So the general idea was just really fascinating to me.
0:01:32 And I really did right away sort of buy as much Bitcoin as I could.
0:01:36 But that was back when Bitcoin was kind of the dominant idea and everyone thought the
0:01:40 kind of main thing you could do with this kind of new architecture was digital money.
0:01:45 Since then, the kind of possibility space, at least to me, feels like it’s expanded dramatically.
0:01:46 Yes, it has.
0:01:52 And so to me, the big moment was when Ethereum launched.
0:01:58 For me, I started seeing– a big breakthrough in my head was when I realized that Ethereum
0:02:03 wallets were actually more like browsers than bank accounts.
0:02:07 And I started seeing some stuff get built on Ethereum that people in Bitcoin had tried
0:02:08 to do for a long time.
0:02:12 In Bitcoin, you only have one asset, which is Bitcoins.
0:02:15 People had tried to build other sorts of tokens or assets that would settle to the Bitcoin
0:02:16 blockchain.
0:02:19 And there were projects like Mastercoin, Counterparty–
0:02:20 We funded this project Lighthouse.
0:02:21 We helped–
0:02:22 Oh, yeah.
0:02:24 And that was basically decentralized crowdfunding.
0:02:25 Yeah.
0:02:26 There was crowdfunding on Bitcoin.
0:02:27 It was just very, very difficult.
0:02:37 I mean, Bitcoin has decided, perhaps correctly, to trade off the expressiveness of the programming
0:02:39 language for increased security.
0:02:43 So they have a very weak programming language– very deliberate, though– which provides,
0:02:48 I think, perhaps better security and kind of– it’s more conservative kind of development
0:02:49 plot path.
0:02:51 So as a result, it’s very hard to build crowdfunding.
0:02:56 And I remember when Ethereum came out, it was literally one of the 20 line pieces of
0:02:57 code on the home page with that.
0:03:02 And this is one of the things I think people really underestimate how much the developer
0:03:04 abstraction matters.
0:03:09 So it took Mike Hearn, something like eight months to build Lighthouse using Bitcoin scripting,
0:03:15 the Ethereum ERC20 system– you and I could practically do this on our cell phones now.
0:03:21 And that layer of abstraction opens up use cases that I think people underestimate how
0:03:22 big a deal it is.
0:03:24 Well, it’s the same with all computing.
0:03:30 You could have done– there were mobile phones that had GPS and cell phone connectivity
0:03:32 pre-iPhone.
0:03:35 But the iPhone made it so the app developer didn’t have to understand any of that stuff
0:03:36 worked.
0:03:41 You could focus on recruiting drivers and building a beautiful UI.
0:03:44 And to me, obviously, the iPhone– there’s a bunch of great things about the iPhone and
0:03:45 the Android and what made smart phones take off.
0:03:50 But a lot of it was that they figured out the right abstraction layer for the developers
0:03:56 so that you could get a million apps and a whole bunch of creativity that happened as
0:03:57 a result of that.
0:04:02 And I actually think we’re going to see the next wave of that now with WebAssembly or
0:04:08 Wasm because there have been problems with the Ethereum solidity language, huge security
0:04:09 problems.
0:04:13 And there’s not actually as much expressivity as people think there is.
0:04:16 It’s still limited to solidity.
0:04:20 Even one other language was basically found to be totally insecure.
0:04:29 So I think that these VM systems moving towards a Wasm compiler– and this is like Polkadot,
0:04:34 DFINITY, eWasm, so like Ethereum 2– I think it’s a really big deal.
0:04:37 So just to explain to people– so Bitcoin comes up with this new kind of architecture
0:04:42 that I think of as– I think it’s, frankly, mischaracterized today as ledger.
0:04:43 I think of it as a computing platform.
0:04:45 So what seems to be a computer and a ledger?
0:04:46 Ledger is more like a hard drive.
0:04:48 A computer is a hard drive plus a processor.
0:04:50 And Bitcoin has a processor.
0:04:54 It’s just a processor that has a limited– but deliberately limited in the applications
0:04:55 it can run.
0:05:00 And the main application it runs is the thing that moves Bitcoins around, right?
0:05:02 Ethereum says, hey, let’s take that processor and let’s expand it a lot.
0:05:06 But as you’re saying it does, they developed their own programming language solidity, which
0:05:10 is kind of JavaScript-like, but it’s kind of eccentric.
0:05:16 And just so people know, eWasm, so that’s WebAssembly, which is now baked into every browser.
0:05:23 And so it’s sort of– there are now billions of computers that run eWasm natively.
0:05:27 And it will soon become– there already is, and it’s going to continue to become the most
0:05:31 dominant kind of runtime environment for software in the world.
0:05:34 And what that means is now that all the blockchains are supporting eWasm, that means that all
0:05:40 of these compilers that are built from other programming languages, Python, Rust, whatever,
0:05:44 if you’re a favorite language, you already have– you get the piggyback off of all of
0:05:47 the tooling that’s been built over the last 20 years to the other programming languages.
0:05:52 So you make it a much more kind of familiar experience to developers.
0:05:56 And so instead of needing to learn solidity, which is, again, this custom language, it’s
0:06:02 a pretty new language, the scheme of things, you can use your off-the-shelf favorite programming
0:06:03 language.
0:06:06 To me, this is a similar step function that we saw from Bitcoin scripting.
0:06:08 Well, see, it’s not just the programming language then.
0:06:11 It’s also like– it’s like the great thing about Python is not just like there’s 10,000
0:06:13 GitHub projects, or I mean, there’s formal verification.
0:06:17 So just as an example, why does it take a long time to release an Ethereum project today?
0:06:21 I think at least half the development time probably is security audits, right?
0:06:25 And that’s because you’ve got this really kind of this new programming language, people
0:06:29 don’t fully understand it, there aren’t these kind of tools around it, and suddenly you
0:06:34 switch to something like Python, and you’ve got just like 20 years of whatever, 15 years
0:06:39 of incredible tools that are built around that environment.
0:06:40 Yeah, that’s exactly right.
0:06:48 And so to me, this is one way that we’re building useful abstractions to make this even easier
0:06:51 to ship like end user applications.
0:06:52 Yeah.
0:06:55 Yeah, I mean, the big thing’s happening now, so I guess kind of jumping forward.
0:06:58 So I think you and I probably see it similarly, there was kind of the first era, which was
0:07:01 Bitcoin, but it was sort of the main– the only thing really in that first era, one of
0:07:02 the only things.
0:07:06 Then there’s sort of the Ethereum era, which sort of takes this idea of digital money and
0:07:09 expands it to blockchain computers, right?
0:07:16 And now I think what we’re seeing over the next 12 months or so, maybe 12 to 24 months,
0:07:18 is the kind of the wave three happening, right?
0:07:24 Which is taking the ideas of Ethereum, upgrading the developer experience like you just discussed,
0:07:29 very importantly upgrading the scalability, which means multiple things, it means more.
0:07:34 It basically means what we call in traditional venture capital, scale out, not scale up.
0:07:38 So instead of getting scaled by adding more, a beefier computer, you can get scaled by
0:07:40 adding more computers to the network, right?
0:07:43 Which lets you kind of expand linearly with the demand.
0:07:47 And that requires what’s known as sharding or some sort of parallelism that lets you
0:07:48 run.
0:07:51 And that’s what a lot of these new projects, or they’re doing better developer experience
0:07:56 and things like WASM and just all the other tooling around it, they’re building parallelism
0:08:01 in from the start, right, as opposed to having to upgrade later.
0:08:04 And what else?
0:08:08 I think a third one for me is they’re often building the ability to upgrade the protocol
0:08:09 into the protocol.
0:08:10 Yep.
0:08:11 Yep.
0:08:13 So the kind of governance of the protocol itself and also the governance of the smart contracts
0:08:14 themselves.
0:08:15 Yes, exactly.
0:08:22 So to me, Bitcoin and Ethereum, and maybe very much intentionally, have not had formal
0:08:25 systems to upgrade themselves.
0:08:29 And that’s because it does open up a potential security threat to the system.
0:08:32 If it can upgrade, then who controls that upgrade process?
0:08:37 But if you can adequately design an upgrade process that is controlled by the same people
0:08:43 that already control the consensus layer, you know, it’s an equivalent threat as baking
0:08:46 a bad block or something like that.
0:08:51 So to me, you know, the ability to say, actually, there’s a better system, let’s upgrade and
0:08:55 move to that system in a coordinated manner.
0:08:56 You know, I think that’s really exciting.
0:09:02 That’s the way I think of that, is there’s always a trade-off between the security of
0:09:08 the system and the very promise of a blockchain computer to me is that it’s making a commitment
0:09:12 that the code will continue to run as designed, there’s sort of game theoretic guarantees.
0:09:15 And you want to, of course, maintaining that commitment is very, very important.
0:09:16 Yep.
0:09:22 But there’s a trade-off because software also, as we know from, you know, decades of experience,
0:09:29 A, has bugs that needs to be fixed, and B, benefits from, you know, from sort of iterative
0:09:30 upgrade cycles, right?
0:09:31 Yeah.
0:09:32 And so how do you balance those two things?
0:09:37 And so Bitcoin Ethereum kind of took the extreme kind of conservative route, which said the
0:09:40 only way to upgrade is to kind of get a whole bunch of people to just literally upgrade their
0:09:44 software simultaneously, which led to all these kind of offline things, including sort of
0:09:49 famously the Bitcoin Civil War and then the Ethereum fork, which was very contentious.
0:09:52 And so they were kind of built in a way to be very conservative with their governance
0:09:53 methods.
0:09:54 Exactly.
0:09:55 Yep.
0:09:56 And so how do you find the right balance?
0:10:03 And the people are experimenting and trying new systems to get a better balance.
0:10:09 So I think a big part of this is there are actors in the Bitcoin and Ethereum and other
0:10:16 crypto systems that are part of what defines like the reality of those systems.
0:10:21 And so you could call these node operators in Bitcoin, miners obviously have a role to
0:10:22 play in it.
0:10:26 In proof of stake protocols, it’s very much the token holders who are staking.
0:10:29 And we’ve seen really, really strong participation.
0:10:33 So in a lot of these delegated proof of stake protocols, you see, you know, 70, 80 percent
0:10:36 of token holders participating in consensus.
0:10:39 So they’re already defining what is the latest block in the blockchain.
0:10:43 They’re already defining the rules of that computer.
0:10:49 So in my mind, you know, how can we say we’re going to use a decentralized mechanism to
0:10:55 come to consensus about the computer state, but we’re going to also say it’s impossible
0:10:58 to come to a decision about how to change the rules of the computer.
0:11:02 So I’m very skeptical that we can’t achieve very secure on-chain governance.
0:11:04 I think we can.
0:11:09 And to me, it’s a very big deal because if you get governance right, in theory, everything
0:11:11 else should be a sort of waterfall down from that.
0:11:16 And you can do very exciting things that I think we haven’t done.
0:11:21 You know, I think a big problem for both Bitcoin and Ethereum has been funding of core protocol
0:11:22 development.
0:11:24 So application developers have found all sorts of ways to monetize.
0:11:28 You can go raise a VC round, you can do a token sale, you know, there’s lots of money
0:11:32 sloshing around in general if you’re building on top of these protocols.
0:11:36 But Ethereum has this weird problem where there’s probably 100x the number of developers
0:11:40 building apps on top as there are building core protocol stuff for Ethereum.
0:11:41 And so to me…
0:11:43 Well, that has to do with the history of Ethereum, right?
0:11:48 So there was a foundation which has a certain amount of money, but there was never kind
0:11:50 of a structure set up.
0:11:51 Yeah, there’s no structure.
0:11:52 And in reality…
0:11:54 Set up to continuously fund the development.
0:11:59 And in reality, there needs to be some sort of, basically like a tax system, where if
0:12:02 I contribute to the core protocol and create all of this value…
0:12:05 Well, it’s like what Zcash does, what they have inflation baked into the protocol and
0:12:07 some portion of that goes through…
0:12:13 Which is kind of crude, because their system is, you know, it’s designed around one team.
0:12:17 I don’t think it’s designed to last 100 years and its current implementation.
0:12:19 In their defense, I don’t think they do either.
0:12:20 Yeah, yeah.
0:12:23 I mean, I think that they think of it as a MVP to a better system.
0:12:24 Yeah, to a better system, yeah.
0:12:30 And so in my mind, the ability for developers to contribute new protocol suggestions and
0:12:33 basically add a build to them.
0:12:37 So then I could say, if this gets merged in and this actually becomes the new version
0:12:41 of the protocol, me and my development team are actually going to inflate a certain number
0:12:42 of coins.
0:12:43 They’re just going to be created.
0:12:46 It’s like dilution, basically, for the existing holders, and they’re going to be rewarded
0:12:47 to us.
0:12:51 And because this is a long-term iterative game between all the token holders and the developers
0:12:54 who are going to contribute code to the protocol, it’s actually in the token holder’s best
0:13:01 interest to pay them and say, “Okay, we’re going to pay you guys what I accept as an
0:13:02 Ethereum holder.”
0:13:04 Like a 1% dilution to ship Ethereum 2?
0:13:06 Absolutely, right?
0:13:07 It’s a no-brainer too.
0:13:13 And so if you could create 1% of the Ethereum tokens and grant those to the development
0:13:17 team, today that’s like, what, $200 million?
0:13:18 It’s a large amount.
0:13:23 What do you say to the skeptics who think that proof-of-stake governance will devolve
0:13:29 into either like a blue talkercy on one hand or the big investors or whatever, whatever
0:13:35 type of talkercy, kind of control for their own interests, or alternatively are vulnerable
0:13:38 to bribery attacks and other kinds of…
0:13:44 Yeah, so I just think that we have relatively at scale proof-of-stake systems today.
0:13:47 This argument seemed better 12 months ago before Tezos and Cosmos.
0:13:48 Yeah, that’s my thing.
0:13:51 It’s like, you see Tezos and Cosmos, it’s like, if you can get away with these attacks,
0:13:54 there are $100 million bounties to go through them.
0:13:55 The biggest bug bounties?
0:13:58 Yeah, I’m a big believer in economic incentives for these bug bounties.
0:14:03 I mean, if you can attack Tezos and break consensus and get bad blocks through it…
0:14:06 I haven’t followed the Tezos stuff, I’m sure there are people trying to attack it.
0:14:08 Oh, I’m sure there are.
0:14:11 And I’m just like there’s people trying to attack Bitcoin all the time, right?
0:14:13 And these are highly adversarial environments.
0:14:18 But in my view, proof-of-stake to me has a few features that I really like about it.
0:14:25 So one, you have node operator and miner type participants and token holders.
0:14:30 And in the Bitcoin system, we’ve actually seen cases where these parties don’t have
0:14:37 the best interests in mind, like there’s not a perfect overlap for their interests.
0:14:40 And so in a way, you could argue there’s like a check and balance or something like that.
0:14:43 But in a system like Tezos or Cosmos, those are the same people, right?
0:14:45 So the token holders are the validators.
0:14:49 And I think that just means in general, there’s going to be a better alignment of interests
0:14:53 between the block producers and the token holders.
0:14:59 The second thing is that if you attack a proof-of-stake network, mitigation of the attack after it
0:15:01 happens is significantly easier.
0:15:07 So if you come in with 51% of the coins, and in most proof-of-stake, it’s actually 34%
0:15:11 of the coins is enough to attack, and you start doing bad things, right?
0:15:14 Bad blocks and stuff like that.
0:15:18 The minority people here can really just hard fork the chain and delete your coins and keep
0:15:19 going.
0:15:26 However, the reason they can do that is because that attacker’s validation was intra-protocols,
0:15:30 like within the protocol, so you can delete their stuff and move forward.
0:15:36 If you do that with hardware and proof-of-work systems, you actually have to change the hashing
0:15:40 algorithm for the entire proof-of-work chain and burn everything to the ground, like for
0:15:42 the good guys and the bad guys.
0:15:46 Because you have to fork so that the hardware is now bad for everyone.
0:15:50 And so you have to basically punish the good guys and the bad guys to mitigate a proof-of-work
0:15:51 system.
0:15:54 So in a proof-of-work system, summarize that, in a proof-of-work system, the worst-case
0:15:57 scenario is your attack doesn’t work.
0:16:01 And a proof-of-stake system, the worst-case scenario is you lose all of your– not only
0:16:04 your attack doesn’t work, but you also lose your entire life savings in that protocol.
0:16:05 Yes, exactly.
0:16:08 So it’s a much more punitive measure.
0:16:13 Well, it’s disproportionately punitive to the bad guy in proof-of-stake.
0:16:17 By the way, and so I would add also the other thing about proof– I mean, there’s also the
0:16:18 energy use.
0:16:19 Oh, well, yeah.
0:16:20 Yeah.
0:16:21 It doesn’t– Bitcoin mining destroys all this– waste all this energy.
0:16:22 It deliberately does.
0:16:23 But it’s still bad.
0:16:27 Also, very– for me, it’s a critical thing is– you’re talking about developer experience
0:16:29 and user experience.
0:16:34 You just simply can’t have sub-second transaction finality in a proof-of-work system.
0:16:38 So Bitcoin, you really need to wait– each block is 10 minutes, and it has to do with
0:16:43 the coordination among the network and the network propagation latency and things.
0:16:44 But also, it’s a probabilistic method.
0:16:47 So you really have to wait probably 60 minutes, if not longer.
0:16:50 And from a user experience point of view, if I send you– and it’s the same with the
0:16:51 theorem today, it’s proof-of-work.
0:16:55 And you go, if you download Quid, Miss Wallet, and you try to use some of these apps, there’s
0:17:00 a lot of really cool apps as early, but you’ve got to wait 30 seconds after you click a button.
0:17:02 That’s not a modern user experience.
0:17:05 And the only way we’re going to get to modern user experience is through these proof-of-stake
0:17:06 systems.
0:17:09 They have all these different methods that get much faster transactions.
0:17:11 So just, I think, a whole bunch of reasons why.
0:17:15 For example, with sharding, no one that I’ve ever heard of knows how to do sharding in
0:17:16 proof-of-work.
0:17:20 So a pairless of scaling, all these other things we’re talking about require a mistake.
0:17:24 There’s a reason that every– I think 2017 was a major year of fundraising, and 2019
0:17:25 is a major year of launches.
0:17:30 And there’s a reason that every blockchain that’s launching today is mostly using proof-of-stake.
0:17:32 I mean, with the exception of Grin and things like this, right?
0:17:33 Yeah.
0:17:38 But those are all just simple transactional– they don’t have smart contracts, they don’t
0:17:41 have really scaling solutions.
0:17:47 Evolution is not– is very much focused on private payments and scalable payments.
0:17:52 It’s not trying to open up a suite of new applications that were not possible with bolder protocols.
0:17:54 Which to me is the really exciting thing.
0:17:59 What is possible that we haven’t seen happening today?
0:18:03 Because even the Ethereum developers, when they shipped the protocol in 2015, I don’t
0:18:07 think any of them could have conceived of the whole ICO wave.
0:18:14 And that was like 18 months away, and it was still hard to see that that was coming.
0:18:17 To me, this is what makes computing interesting, right?
0:18:18 Is there’s this interplay.
0:18:23 If you go look at the PC, the internet, smartphones, I think we’re going to see– it’s a crypto,
0:18:27 I think we’re going to see it with VR in a couple– this year, in a couple years.
0:18:30 There’s this interplay where you get– the platforms get better.
0:18:32 In this case, we’re talking about Layer 1 smart contract platforms, right?
0:18:36 Which are the ones we’re talking about that are coming out over the next 12 to 18 months.
0:18:40 And those are kind of the equivalent of the Apple II or the iPhone or whatever in this
0:18:41 world.
0:18:42 To me, that’s cool.
0:18:43 That’s great.
0:18:44 And we’re into that, right?
0:18:47 But the really cool part is all of the crazy stuff that people– no one imagined– it’s
0:18:50 really funny if you go back and look at the early Apple II ads.
0:18:53 So Apple II came out in ’77, PCs didn’t really take off for six years.
0:18:56 And for those six-year peer people, we’re trying to figure out what do you do with these
0:18:57 things.
0:18:58 And all the old ads are really funny.
0:19:01 They always have people at the kitchen table doing their recipes, and computer companies
0:19:02 didn’t really know.
0:19:05 But then the developers came along and invented word processing spreadsheets.
0:19:06 All this other cool stuff.
0:19:09 And so that to me is what’s really– like, right now, we’re seeing a little bit on the
0:19:10 application side.
0:19:14 But it’s limited because the platforms, the Layer 1 smart contract platforms, just aren’t
0:19:15 there.
0:19:16 Right?
0:19:17 So we can’t– I mean, we’re seeing cool stuff.
0:19:21 We’ll talk about it today, like in DeFi, for example, in terms of finance, where maybe
0:19:24 the performance parameters are looser and things.
0:19:26 They don’t need the kind of performance you need for other things.
0:19:30 But what’s really going to get exciting to me is that period of, like, hopefully a year
0:19:34 or two from now when we’ve got a great platform, and then we just see this explosion of creativity.
0:19:38 Yeah, well, and the big thing is people need to untether themselves from thinking only
0:19:42 in terms of efficiency improvements of existing processes.
0:19:46 So like early use cases for Bitcoin that people talked about a lot is basically cost savings
0:19:52 of remittance or cost savings of micropayments or something like that.
0:19:57 But that’s really looking at existing use cases and applications that– like a recipe
0:19:59 book and saying, oh, let’s put this on the computer.
0:20:01 That’s how it always happens, by the way.
0:20:04 Like, you look at early web, and they took magazines, or they put brochures, and they
0:20:05 put them on the web.
0:20:06 But that’s just how people think.
0:20:09 And then it took people 10 years to realize, wait, this is a two-way medium.
0:20:10 Yeah, there’s all these–
0:20:12 You could generate a content in YouTube and Facebook.
0:20:16 So what I really care about are what are going to be the native apps that are only possible
0:20:17 with blockchains.
0:20:23 And also, the other thing is people are very caught on the Web2 model.
0:20:27 People are talking about daily active users, but of financial products.
0:20:28 It’s just an odd thing.
0:20:31 They’re like, are you a daily active user of your mortgage?
0:20:32 Yeah.
0:20:33 Right?
0:20:34 It’s like the wrong framework.
0:20:35 It’s just the wrong question.
0:20:36 Right?
0:20:37 But to me, I think we need to–
0:20:42 Well, the reason everyone was so focused on DAUs for Web2 was because the main business
0:20:46 model was advertising, and that was proven– so it was a proxy for what the business model
0:20:47 was.
0:20:50 But ultimately, if you have a business model that is not dependent on DAUs, that’s not
0:20:51 your main metric.
0:20:52 Yeah, exactly.
0:20:59 To me, I just think we’re going to see this iteration and explosion of basically financial
0:21:03 services and finance, but at the speed of open source software development, which is
0:21:04 really, really fast.
0:21:10 And it’s highly iterative, and it’s like a big shared open code repository that people
0:21:11 are building on.
0:21:15 So to me, the innovation here is going to be very, very fast.
0:21:18 I mean, it already has been, but it will continue to be.
0:21:25 And the thing I look forward to is what’s going to happen that is sort of unimaginable
0:21:30 today, and sort of by definition wasn’t possible with the old architecture.
0:21:34 I think, to me, one of the– there are many kind of cool sci-fi things in crypto.
0:21:41 I think one of the coolest things is the idea of a kind of code software that has agency
0:21:43 or sort of autonomous software.
0:21:49 So you think about maker today or compound, and this idea that the code itself actually
0:21:54 controls money and has business processes and logic, and it’s not the code that’s run
0:21:59 by– it’s not like code– Google code controls stuff, too, or PayPal does, but it’s not really
0:22:00 the code that does it.
0:22:04 They’re just the instruments through which the management of that company executes their
0:22:05 will.
0:22:09 Here, the code itself actually is autonomous and is no longer controlled.
0:22:14 This is the sort of idea, to me, the key idea of a blockchain is that the code continues
0:22:19 to run as designed, and it has sort of game theoretic guarantees that it will.
0:22:24 And that gives code this autonomous– I use autonomous not in the sense of AI autonomous,
0:22:28 but in the sense of having agency and self-control and runs forever.
0:22:33 As we speak right now, these contracts on Ethereum are running and doing things and distributing
0:22:36 money or collecting money or running other business logic.
0:22:42 A rough but potentially useful analogy is thinking about the corporate structure.
0:22:46 So the idea of a corporation, in theory, is that it kind of runs forever.
0:22:50 And management can turn over, and there’s different types of capital formation to keep
0:22:52 it funding and everything.
0:22:57 And it’s all through legal contracts in certain regions, right?
0:23:01 So the corporation, as a legal entity, is always sort of registered with the state in
0:23:06 a specific geographic region, and it’s all papered through legal contracts.
0:23:11 But could a system like that that coordinates capital from many, many different people and
0:23:16 outlives any of the individual people, could that move to a pure software system, using,
0:23:19 as you said, sort of autonomous software?
0:23:23 Instead of these legal contracts that are based in specific geographic regions, can
0:23:26 it be sort of sovereign to the internet?
0:23:32 These are the types of ideas that– it sounds crazy today, but when you think about this
0:23:38 sort of history of the corporation and the liquid stock markets that we have, all these
0:23:42 concepts that we think of as– they’ve been around forever, they’re really only about
0:23:44 100 years old or something like that.
0:23:47 To me, then, an obvious question is, why would you want that?
0:23:51 And to me, the answers are– one is very important you mentioned before is open source, the fact
0:23:56 that all of these things we’re discussing, they’re all available by definition.
0:23:58 They have to be, if they’re on Ethereum, they have to be open.
0:24:01 You can go read the GitHub code, if you can’t do it yourself, you can have somebody else
0:24:03 do it, so it’s completely open.
0:24:09 But then another very important feature is this, what we call compositionality or composability,
0:24:14 is the idea that you can have one organization here and I can take that and I can build another
0:24:17 one on top of it that references it.
0:24:20 And I know I can do– and that’s– the only reason I can do that is a couple of things.
0:24:23 One is it software that you can actually call the functions and things like that, and it’s
0:24:25 open source and so I can audit it and trust it.
0:24:30 But the third thing is because the code itself sort of exists on its own, I know I can build
0:24:33 on top of it and the code will continue to operate that way, and there won’t be some
0:24:38 whimsical change in business strategy by the owners of the code, right?
0:24:39 Exactly.
0:24:45 Which to me, I guess, and this is informed partly through my experience in non-crypto-tech,
0:24:50 is just so much– there’s so many issues created around platforms and around trusting platforms.
0:24:54 And so you think about Zynga building on Facebook and the hundreds of entrepreneurs who tried
0:25:00 to build on top of Twitter and just like, it would have been so cool if, to me, if Twitter
0:25:04 were this sort of open protocol the way SMTP email is, and you could have– someone could
0:25:11 build the superhuman of Twitter as opposed to– and the anti– people are complaining
0:25:12 about spam on Twitter.
0:25:15 Why isn’t there a third party marketplace with spam filters the way there is with email
0:25:16 clients?
0:25:17 It used to be.
0:25:21 And just all the kind of cool stuff that you get– and you see in the open source world
0:25:23 now where it’s like Lego bricks and you’re building these buildings out of the different
0:25:27 bricks, and every piece of code is a new Lego brick, and then you get this kind of combinatorial
0:25:28 explosion of innovation.
0:25:29 Yeah.
0:25:33 Well, and this is– I think a lot of people get caught up or confused on this.
0:25:35 Decentralization is not an ideological thing.
0:25:39 It’s an architecture to support that permission-less building.
0:25:42 This is why the internet was so big.
0:25:46 If there was like an intranet and Microsoft owned it, like Microsoft MSN and Microsoft
0:25:51 Net back in the day, we would never have seen Amazon, Google, and all these companies grow
0:25:53 like they have.
0:25:58 So to me, that decentralized architecture of all these systems, it’s not like an ideological
0:25:59 thing.
0:26:02 It’s really just an architecture that allows developers to build anything they want.
0:26:07 And as you said, it’s all sort of permanent, and it’s like if every data structure on the
0:26:10 entire internet was open and had an open API.
0:26:15 We’ve seen the power of the kind of composability in the open source world now in the traditional
0:26:19 open source world, meaning like Linux, and Apache, and all this other stuff.
0:26:21 That has been a phenomenal success.
0:26:23 90 plus percent of the software in the world today is open source.
0:26:27 Every, you know, the bulk of the software on your iOS phone, the bulk of your software
0:26:29 on your Android phone, every data center.
0:26:30 Why is open source done so well?
0:26:32 Because you can remix it, right?
0:26:34 You can take the piece of code and you can do stuff with it.
0:26:37 And it just gets this, you know, it starts off, and you go back to like when Linux came
0:26:41 out in like whatever early 90s, it was definitely worse than Windows, but then it just followed
0:26:47 this much faster like innovation curve because of this fact that you can compose these Lego
0:26:48 bricks together.
0:26:51 And you had just anyone in the world who can come contribute, some smart person in some
0:26:55 random place can see some bug and fix it, just like all those effects.
0:27:01 And now, but the problem was open source still depended on the goodwill or this financial
0:27:04 interest of somebody to actually run the code.
0:27:07 And that’s of course where AWS and Google Cloud stepped in, like we’re going to actually
0:27:10 run it because open source was just code, right?
0:27:16 And whereas blockchains are code instantiated, right, it’s code that’s running, and it doesn’t
0:27:20 depend on the kindness of strangers or capitalists to run it.
0:27:23 And therefore can’t be usurped in the same way, and it’s just much more powerful because
0:27:27 it keeps state and has data and has computing ability and just all these other things that
0:27:28 open source didn’t have.
0:27:32 So to me, it’s like the best of those two worlds is like all the power of a modern computer
0:27:36 and then the, and then the composability that made open source successful.
0:27:37 Yep.
0:27:38 Yep.
0:27:44 And I do think that people underestimate just the scope of types of applications that will
0:27:46 come out of this.
0:27:52 I think that this idea of a global unified internet money is one of the basics and it’s
0:27:54 a very, very big deal.
0:28:01 And if we do have these sort of decentralized autonomous corporations or something, they’re
0:28:05 going to be using the internet money in order to communicate among each other and create
0:28:08 financial contracts and things like that.
0:28:14 But this is why this is such an exciting area because it just feels like the possibilities
0:28:15 are sort of limitless.
0:28:19 So let’s talk about the kind of the state of the world right now too.
0:28:24 So I think the New York Times just talked about how they think the crypto is over and
0:28:27 there’s all these sort of negative articles about it.
0:28:28 As you fuel.
0:28:29 Yeah.
0:28:30 I’ve been reading these since.
0:28:31 I’ve been reading these for almost 10 years.
0:28:36 I’ve been reading these about the internet too for even longer and technology for longer.
0:28:44 But there has been a price downturn, I don’t know, maybe some of the excitement is down
0:28:45 or something.
0:28:46 I don’t know.
0:28:49 But so kind of like it’s what I’m getting at is where are we in the in the life cycle
0:28:50 of this kind of.
0:28:51 Yeah.
0:28:58 So I do think that 2017 was a year of new financial instruments and it was actually I think a
0:29:03 lot of people underestimate how small of an amount of money was available 2016 and before
0:29:04 that.
0:29:05 Yeah.
0:29:06 For cryptocurrency and blockchains.
0:29:09 The whole universe was just pretty small.
0:29:13 You know, there was no billion dollar company anywhere.
0:29:16 It was really just a sort of nichey thing.
0:29:19 And for that reason, there just wasn’t a lot of capital available.
0:29:22 Now the people that were very excited though about cryptocurrency were the people using
0:29:23 cryptocurrency.
0:29:27 But I do think that we saw a huge amount of funding and projects that had been in the
0:29:29 works for many, many years.
0:29:33 How to funding this file coin taso stuff like that.
0:29:39 And so then, you know, I think 2019 is turning out to be the year of launches.
0:29:44 You’ve just seen these hugely ambitious projects actually get to across the finish line.
0:29:47 And Cosmos is a great example launched just about a month ago.
0:29:53 And it’s sort of the first system we’ve ever seen that will allow cross blockchain interaction.
0:29:58 So we’ve always had these kind of siloed logic and state in say Ethereum.
0:30:03 And now you could have smart contracts or tokens on Ethereum transfer like to other
0:30:04 blockchains potentially.
0:30:08 It also gives you a scaling story because you can have multiple blockchains.
0:30:10 So it’s almost kind of like sharding, right?
0:30:11 You have different blockchains that contract to it.
0:30:12 Sort of.
0:30:14 I think we think of it as heterogeneous shards as opposed to homogeneous shards.
0:30:17 So each shard can have run its own language and its own environment.
0:30:18 That’s exactly right.
0:30:22 And so the development momentum feels very strong to me and we’re going to see a lot
0:30:24 of very, very exciting launches in 2019.
0:30:27 However, I think that will be to very little fanfare.
0:30:31 It’s kind of like Ethereum launched in, you know, the middle of crypto winter in 2015
0:30:32 and nobody cared.
0:30:36 You know, it’s not like Ethereum launching was a year of time.
0:30:39 And it’s not like you’re going to launch it and it’s going to be an overnight success.
0:30:41 You need to then, I think of this as a two-step go to market.
0:30:44 So the first step is getting developers, right?
0:30:47 And so, and you got to build that community and they got to build tools and you got to
0:30:50 build like, you just think about all the stuff that we take for granted probably in the Ethereum
0:30:55 world of like, you know, wallets and, you know, IDEs and debuggers and just like, you
0:31:00 know, ether scan and just like the whole, like cashing, you know, alchemy stuff, cashing
0:31:01 tools or whatever.
0:31:02 There’s a whole set of infrastructure.
0:31:03 Right.
0:31:04 So that’s got to get built.
0:31:05 You’ve got to get people fired up.
0:31:06 You’ve got to have like hackathons.
0:31:11 You’ve got to, people got to learn the, you know, due tutorial, just a whole set of things
0:31:12 that have to happen.
0:31:16 And so even when you launch these, these new layer ones, I think it’s probably, I don’t
0:31:20 know, at least 12 months, probably before you see like higher quality applications coming
0:31:21 out.
0:31:25 The other thing about, about, as you know, with these, with these, because the code is
0:31:27 autonomous, because once you write it, it’s out there.
0:31:31 You really have to get the security right and some of that, those improvements will come
0:31:34 through better programming languages and tools, but it also just takes longer.
0:31:37 I think here people compare it to kind of hardware development versus software development.
0:31:41 Like you can’t, if you build faulty hardware, you have to recall it physically.
0:31:42 Yeah.
0:31:43 Yeah.
0:31:44 You know, faulty SaaS software.
0:31:47 You can fix a few things and deploy.
0:31:48 And so it just takes a while.
0:31:53 So, so I think, yeah, I do, I share your feeling that this will be your launches.
0:31:57 However, it will be more of a developer kind of phenomenon than a user phenomenon.
0:32:03 I do think it’ll take, yeah, 12 months, as you said, before we see a lot of the ways
0:32:06 that these will be used in surprising manners, right?
0:32:11 I do think that Ethereum was very exciting when it came out, but I really do think even
0:32:17 the people that built Ethereum didn’t, couldn’t properly predict exactly how it would be used.
0:32:20 And these, these use cases are like 18 months down the line.
0:32:22 It’s not that far around the corner.
0:32:27 This is one thing I love about cryptocurrency is if you miss like three months, you’re already
0:32:32 behind on, on the scope of, of kind of what is possible and, and what is happening.
0:32:36 So when you talk about applications, so what are you, so like, I think the thing that’s
0:32:40 working the most probably on Ethereum today is, is DeFi, decentralized finance, right?
0:32:44 And I know, let’s, maybe let’s talk a little bit about that and what you’re excited about
0:32:46 and then like other, other types of applications.
0:32:52 So I do think that one of the very big things being built on Ethereum that’s exciting are
0:32:54 stablecoins.
0:32:59 And particularly for me, it’s crypto collateralized stablecoins where the, the stablecoin that’s
0:33:03 pegged to say the dollar or, but it really couldn’t be anything, any asset that’s not
0:33:04 endogenous to the blockchain.
0:33:10 So it could be Google stock or it could be S&P 500, it could be a bond, whatever, whatever
0:33:11 it might be.
0:33:17 The backing for that value is a smart contract that’s holding, you know, Ethereum compatible
0:33:19 assets.
0:33:21 And this is like the MakerDAO system.
0:33:25 I think it’s a really, really big deal because a lot of the use cases that people originally
0:33:30 envisioned for cryptocurrencies related to financial services or payments had this significant
0:33:32 problem, which is just the volatility.
0:33:37 So even e-commerce with something as volatile as Bitcoin, you said like the one hour you
0:33:41 wait until you have to actually close and receive those bitcoins.
0:33:44 I mean, margin on e-commerce often is pretty low, right?
0:33:49 You might be getting four or 5%, but the volatility in an hour in Bitcoin can be more than that.
0:33:55 So I do think that these stablecoins are critical for other types of applications.
0:34:01 And so the auger prediction market, you know, other, even just like token trading, you know,
0:34:05 what is the base pair you’re trading against in a decentralized exchange?
0:34:08 Is it Ether against some other coin?
0:34:11 I think also like you just think about lending, for example, like people don’t, you know,
0:34:17 if you’re buying a house in dollars, you want your stablecoin pegged to dollars.
0:34:21 And the stablecoin can actually then act as collateral in other types of use cases.
0:34:25 So I do think that stablecoins are like a critical building.
0:34:30 The other thing about MakerDAO that’s interesting is just how it’s a very interesting kind of
0:34:35 economic structure for how they enforce the peg and how they kind of incentivize the ecosystem.
0:34:38 And the fact that that runs in a smart contract which holds a significant amount of money is
0:34:47 just a real, I think to me, a testament to the power of the Ethereum design and the
0:34:49 sort of what smart contract platforms can do.
0:34:58 It’s one of many examples, but it’s got more traction, I think people realize, as in it’s
0:35:03 about 2% of all Ether is held in the MakerDAO contract.
0:35:06 And now that’s hard capped by the protocol.
0:35:08 So they could take off that cap.
0:35:13 And when I say they, I mean actually the MKR holders who vote on these changes.
0:35:19 And so if they wanted to potentially massively increase the amount of Ether locked in that
0:35:21 contract, they really could.
0:35:27 Now I do think it almost starts to create systemic risk at around, say, 5% of all Ether.
0:35:31 I mean for the Ethereum protocol, for the MakerDAO protocol, so you don’t want half
0:35:35 of all Ether held in this thing, but in just sheer dollar terms, you know, there’s hundreds
0:35:42 of millions of dollars locked in this protocol that people are basically using to get a loan.
0:35:47 And so it’s, while these DeFi things are very, very hard to use, it’s kind of a disaster
0:35:48 from a UX perspective.
0:35:52 You have to download all the software, you have to have Ether, you know, and you have
0:35:56 to click through a million different things and have a mental model for what you’re doing.
0:36:02 You have to be, I mean, it’s just a testament to how hardcore the enthusiasts are that…
0:36:03 Yeah, exactly.
0:36:07 And you know, I think a lot of them are arbitrageers and folks like that that are just doing kind
0:36:09 of profit seeking behavior.
0:36:14 But it’s, yeah, I mean, to me, we are seeing kind of the early success of some of these
0:36:17 low level stablecoin systems.
0:36:22 And I think that stablecoins are going to be a critical part of the recipe for a lot of
0:36:25 more abstracted, higher level use cases.
0:36:30 I think of it as, our friend Boloji has a kind of framework I like, which is, you know,
0:36:36 he would say, I think, is that the idea that you’d buy a cup of coffee using a cryptocurrency
0:36:39 is sort of one of the least interesting use cases.
0:36:43 And he has this kind of model where it’s kind of U-shaped where it’s, on the one hand, there’s
0:36:47 about a billion and a half people that have smartphones but are unbanked, are not part
0:36:49 of the internet economy.
0:36:54 And for those people, it’s very interesting to have a digitally native currency, right?
0:36:58 And architecturally, it makes a lot of sense because one of the key features of cryptocurrencies,
0:37:03 it’s a bearer instrument, meaning the recipient can verify that they got paid using just sort
0:37:07 of math on the internet and not having to rely on a bank or some third party and therefore
0:37:10 doesn’t need an ID and doesn’t have fraud risk and everything else.
0:37:13 So that’s sort of the one end where the stuff is so powerful.
0:37:17 And then the other end is kind of the high end of the software developers and you now
0:37:21 have programmable money, programmable loans, all these kind of cool new things you can
0:37:24 do on the innovation side.
0:37:30 I think of it as like what if, here’s a sort of metaphor, but the fact that photos are
0:37:35 just a file format that you can send to people, allowed people to invent Facebook and Instagram,
0:37:39 and if instead, this is again a metaphor, but if instead you had to kind of get permission
0:37:44 every time you sent a photo, if it was a service and not a file format, like there would have
0:37:48 been way less innovation around kind of media over the last 20 years and now what if money
0:37:52 is a file format, it’s just a string of bits, it’s just a string of bits, it’s no longer
0:37:55 a web service that’s connected to PayPal or Visa or something and they can’t take their
0:37:58 money and screw it up or do whatever they want and it make you get permission and make
0:38:03 you get, you know, and disenfranchise a billion and a half people and everything else, like
0:38:07 now it’s just bits and like what can you do, it’s a very powerful concept.
0:38:15 It is and I do think that, you know, an interesting feature of cryptocurrencies for me is that
0:38:19 the people that become knowledgeable about cryptocurrencies, I would say about 95% of
0:38:25 them or more, think it’s a good idea once you become knowledgeable about it.
0:38:31 And so to me, a lot of this is just an education process of like how do we get more and more
0:38:37 people to recognize why cryptocurrencies have this extremely unique value?
0:38:41 It’s the most misunderstood, I feel like tech is often misunderstood, but this is by far
0:38:45 the most, at least that I’ve worked in by far the most, the delta between the reality and
0:38:50 the perception and partly it’s self inflicted wound because of the kind of early crypto
0:38:53 movement and it was, you know, a lot of kind of political anarchist types got into it
0:38:58 and things, but it’s that’s lingered and it’s just really misunderstood and it’s very
0:38:59 where I agree with you.
0:39:02 I have this, I have this a go over and over again, especially people that are technical,
0:39:06 you give them like the Ethereum white paper, the Filecoin white paper, whatever, you know,
0:39:10 just a bunch of the Bitcoin white paper and they come back and they’re like, oh my God,
0:39:12 this is totally different than what people described to me and what I read about.
0:39:13 Exactly.
0:39:21 It’s because it’s easy to pay attention to the bad actors and prices and stuff when
0:39:28 in reality, the kind of fundamental development, yeah, like you said, from Bitcoin to this
0:39:32 more general computer to the more advanced applications that, again, like Filecoin being
0:39:39 this low level building block that’s going to enable all sorts of new behaviors because
0:39:44 just thinking about Filecoin, like, how am I supposed to build any sort of decentralized
0:39:47 application if I can’t do file storage, right?
0:39:51 It’s kind of this basic building block, but I can’t build Twitter the protocol or Uber
0:39:55 the protocol to compete with the centralized web platform unless I have a decentralized
0:39:59 file architecture underneath it, which today is not really possible.
0:40:05 And so these low level systems, it’s really remarkable the rippling implications of what
0:40:10 will become possible. And I do think that the number one barrier is just very simply
0:40:11 education.
0:40:17 This is an esoteric and complex area and there’s also a huge amount of smoke and mirrors, right?
0:40:22 I do think that there are, have always been in the crypto space, it’s international and
0:40:28 it’s permissionless. So there’s just a lot of crazy behaviors and crazy characters and
0:40:30 it’s easy to focus on that stuff.
0:40:35 That’s actually one of the good things about the price downturn is I think it’s cleaned
0:40:41 up a lot of that and sort of put the focus back on innovation and technology.
0:40:49 Yeah, I agree. I think that the sort of builders of all this stuff never really stop, but they’re
0:40:56 also not who the media necessarily pays attention to. I think that the media tends to be a reflection
0:41:00 of the investors and the investors tend to be really short sighted and focus very much
0:41:04 on month to month or even day to day type volatility.
0:41:11 So one interesting trend is what we call vertically integrated applications and something we’ve
0:41:16 been talking about. And I think the way I think about it is sometimes when you don’t
0:41:26 have the full kind of tech stack built out, sometimes for a project to kind of get adoption,
0:41:31 they need to build more themselves. So like a good historical example is Blackberry, they
0:41:37 come up with an email smartphone in 2003 and at the time you just didn’t have sort of a
0:41:40 great smartphone platform like the iPhone, you didn’t have great connectivity, you didn’t
0:41:43 have great backend. So they built the whole thing. They built this hardware, they built
0:41:47 the software, they built the network, they built the backend and they were able to kind
0:41:51 of get kind of, I think it was like pull the future forward. Eventually you could do this
0:41:54 by building an app on the iPhone, but like at the time you couldn’t, so they had to build
0:41:58 it all. And I think we’re seeing some of that pattern now because we don’t have all the
0:42:05 layers kind of at the ideal state now, particularly like the layer one smart contract platform
0:42:08 we were talking about earlier, just we don’t have kind of a great scalable everything else.
0:42:16 But the, I mean the old wisdom was sort of build a low level, you know, extensible protocol
0:42:21 and developers will come and build all the useful apps. And I think a great example of
0:42:26 that was the Zero X protocol system, which is like token trading on Ethereum using a
0:42:31 smart contract. So they said, we’re not going to own sort of the end user interface, we’re
0:42:36 going to build a low level system and then different people are going to come build web
0:42:40 interfaces. I think the newer generation of the smart contract developers, we’ve seen
0:42:44 say we’re going to build that low level protocol, but we’re also going to own the user interface
0:42:49 and kind of build that full stack experience. And that vertical integration as you put it,
0:42:54 I think is potentially going to be a catalyst for a lot of the stuff to move a little bit
0:43:02 faster than it has historically. And so there’s the project Sello that’s working on first
0:43:09 a kind of low level stablecoin designed for payments and remittances, as well as an Android
0:43:14 kind of mobile first application designed for folks that don’t have access to traditional
0:43:18 banking or financial services. And so by owning kind of both pieces, they can kind of iterate
0:43:24 a bit faster and potentially understand the full scope of how the customers is using this
0:43:29 platform. And provide kind of a modern user user experience
0:43:33 that you would hope for from a non kind of blockchain app and they’ll provide kind of
0:43:37 a similar user experience. But then also I think have the kind of the what I think is
0:43:43 the modern crypto business model of, you know, they own some of the coins and they ultimately
0:43:49 want to see the tokens appreciate and don’t need to and therefore okay with other people,
0:43:52 for example, starting to build their own apps and like and supplanting their app, they don’t
0:43:57 need to control the end to end thing all the way in the future because they have this business
0:44:01 model that’s aligned with the community, it’s this fighting the community of the model
0:44:06 where like the more you give away, the better you do for yourself, which is obviously in
0:44:09 web two, it was kind of own everything and fight.
0:44:12 So it’s interesting because it’s start at the model is sort of start web to like just
0:44:16 to get the user experience right, but then but then have the business model that’s sort
0:44:21 of web three and therefore let you have this great property of grow the pie not fight over
0:44:27 the pie. Yeah, exactly. Okay, so that’s that’s and then and then I guess one of the thing
0:44:34 we haven’t covered is we talked about payments, we talked about centralized finance. We talked
0:44:38 a little bit about like file coin and kind of what I would call incentivized infrastructure
0:44:43 like kind of new infrastructure that has incentives built in. What are some of the areas that that
0:44:49 you know kind of application areas. I mean, one thing with with these crypto protocols
0:44:55 is you can build markets for anything. And so anything today that’s sort of a one to
0:45:00 one service with for example, in the case of file coin, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft
0:45:05 Azure, whatever, Google Cloud, you can turn that into a competitive marketplace that sort
0:45:10 of unifies all of these. And so while file coin builds this competitive spot market for
0:45:14 file storage, you could have a similar thing for many of these kind of low level computer
0:45:20 resources. So you could do that for compute. You could do that. I think AI data would be
0:45:26 very interesting one. Yeah, a genetic data. Right. So then you could even where is the
0:45:29 AI like it seems to me a critical question of the next 10 years is where is AI data live?
0:45:34 Does it live in Google and Amazon servers? Or is it an open protocol where you know anyone
0:45:38 can access it and there’s some incentive model for providing it and forgetting it. One interesting
0:45:44 intersection is homomorphic encryption, which allows you to train a machine learning system
0:45:47 based on data that you actually don’t know the plain text. So you only see the encrypted
0:45:54 version. It allows people to say, okay, I’m going to share the data from my Tesla or my
0:45:59 smartphone with a major corporation and get paid for that data. And that corporation will
0:46:03 actually never learn the data but can still train the machine learning algorithm. It’s
0:46:10 a bit abstract and I think it’s early on that type of use case, but it’s potentially very
0:46:14 transformative. I think also, you know, you could architect social networks, marketplaces
0:46:17 like ride sharing, all of this stuff could be architected using these methods and I think
0:46:21 there would be benefits to all sorts of community members, kind of stakeholders, including the
0:46:26 drivers and riders. And so that’s a separate, maybe a longer conversation. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
0:46:32 Yeah. I do think the value accrual when these things succeed go to the entire large and
0:46:37 they’re governed by the larger bases, by, you know, by instead of basically an extractive
0:46:42 corporation that owns the platform and at the end of the day has some level of an adversarial
0:46:48 relationship with its users. Yeah. I mean, it’s today, yes, Facebook loves its users,
0:46:54 but also it wants to put as many ads in front of the users as it possibly can, which actually
0:47:00 disrupt the user experience. So it’s, yeah, it’s an odd relationship, I think that these
0:47:04 Web2 platforms have with their user bases. I think another interesting area is, it’s
0:47:09 kind of out of fashion at the moment, but I think it will come back as NFTs or, you
0:47:15 know, digital goods. It’s always been, you know, there was a whole, I don’t know if you
0:47:19 were around for this, but the, during when World of Warcraft was a big deal, there was
0:47:24 this whole kind of underground market called farming. So people wanted to, instead of having
0:47:28 to, you know, earn your way up to level 70, people wanted to buy their way and there was
0:47:32 this whole thing where like people would, there’s this, these off, off-game X protocol
0:47:37 websites where you could go do this and it was a big deal. And so a similar idea is to
0:47:41 sort of take that and legitimate it and say, hey, you can earn, you know, in a game or
0:47:45 in a virtual world or in some other kind of experience, you know, what if there are goods
0:47:49 that the user can actually own and take from one game to another and buy and sell them
0:47:53 and you add economic incentives and you can make a living doing this and you can actually
0:47:56 own these things in a way that you can’t today. Today you’re really just kind of borrowing
0:48:00 them and these games will come and go and they’ll, you’ll spend all this time earning
0:48:04 stuff and it’ll all then disappear or you’ll forget about it. And this is just a much kind
0:48:08 of more, it’s much more like the offline world, like when you get stuff, you keep it and people,
0:48:11 and people that’s really popular in the offline world and I think it will be popular in the
0:48:12 online world too.
0:48:17 Oh, I mean, the rippling implications of it are, are, are big too. So if you can own your
0:48:22 avatar and you can own the avatar sword and shield and everything, other, like we said
0:48:25 earlier, everything here is interoperable. It’s like an open API. So any developer can
0:48:31 then build an expansion pack or a mod on the game. It turns like the modding community
0:48:37 around various games into like a real economic system. And so then you could actually imagine
0:48:43 like in the longer term, it’s almost like, think about every like rupee you’ve ever
0:48:48 earned in a game or every bit of gold. Imagine if that was actually all unified among like
0:48:52 almost every game, right? And there were like secondary markets between one game and another
0:48:58 game and you could actually maybe bring your avatar from one game to another game. There’s
0:49:05 just, you know, it’s almost like turning the universe of video games into Minecraft, right?
0:49:12 Obviously, that’s a sort of far future, but I do think this, this open and interoperable
0:49:14 low level systems do enable that type of thing.
0:49:17 Also, the other cool thing is with, with the economic incentives, you suddenly, for example,
0:49:22 you could imagine funding your game instead of going to Activision and asking them for
0:49:27 money, you can fund your game by pre-selling some of the goods. You could have third party
0:49:32 creators who earn living, some person, you know, whatever with the smartphone is designing
0:49:35 virtual goods and selling them and earning a living that way.
0:49:40 Well, and one of the most successful categories on Kickstarter is kickstarting video games,
0:49:44 because, you know, gamers are hardcore and they want to support independent developers.
0:49:48 Now imagine if you could take that from, I’m just going to buy your game, I’m actually
0:49:54 going to invest in your game, right? It’s way more powerful, and it aligns the interest
0:49:59 between the gamers and the indie developers. So to me, yeah, that could be a very big trend.
0:50:04 And we have seen some level of that, and I think one of the problems was, you know, when
0:50:08 you can pre-sell these game items, you get this investor community rather than the gaming
0:50:14 community interested. And so I do think it’s important to, you know, make sure that it’s
0:50:19 not, it’s like, it’s people who actually want to play the game, right, that are sort
0:50:24 of buying those game items. But I do think that that interoperability of avatars and
0:50:27 items and levels and stuff like that is, is a big deal.
0:50:30 Yeah. Right, awesome. Thanks, thanks a lot for being here.
0:50:31 Yeah, thanks for having me, Chris.
0:50:40 [BLANK_AUDIO]

In a followup to one of our most popular podcast episodes which originally aired in April 2017 (https://a16z.com/2017/04/03/cryptocurrencies-protocols-appcoins/), a16z Crypto Fund General Partner Chris Dixon returns to talk with Olaf Carlson-Wee of Polychain Capital in a free-wheeling conversation about the seven major trends they see happening in blockchain computing now as we shift from basic protocol design to pragmatic product launches:

  • Improving developer productivity
  • Scaling out versus scaling up
  • On-chain governance
  • Proof of Stake Networks, and especially their resilience to attacks
  • 2017: year of of fund raising, 2019: year of launches
  • Autonomous and re-mixable code
  • Killer apps: distributed finance and beyond

This conversation was originally recorded for our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/a16zvideos

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