a16z Podcast

  • When One App Rules Them All: The Case of WeChat and Mobile in China

    “When One App Rules Them All: The Case of WeChat and Mobile in China” by Connie Chan. First published August 2015.  You can also find and share this essay at a16z.com/mobilefirstchina

  • Every Company Is a Fintech Company

    “Why Every Company Will Be a Fintech Company — The Next Era of Financial Services and the ‘AWS Phase’ for Fintech” by Angela Strange. You can also find and share this essay at a16z.com/fintecheverywhere  …

  • Read-Alouds, Continued

    Today we’re continuing a series we started a while ago of read-alouds (for more context on the why and why now check out episode #500 on how we podcast!). The first was episode #544 in…

  • Journal Club: Revisiting Eroom’s Law

    Eroom’s Law is Moore’s Law spelled backwards. It’s a term that was coined in a Nature Reviews Drug Discovery article by researchers at Sanford Bernstein and describes the exponential decrease in biopharma research and development…

  • Preventing Pandemics with Genomic Epidemiology

    The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the visibility of scientists and the scientific process to the broader public; suddenly, scientists working on virology and infectious disease dynamics have seen their public profiles rapidly expand. One such…

  • Journal Club: Therapeutic Video Game on Trial

    In this episode of the a16z bio journal club, we cover one of the key clinical trials that supported the recent FDA approval of the first prescription video game. The game was developed by Akili…

  • Gross Margins, Early to Late: What They Do (and Don’t) Tell You

    Gross margins are essentially a company’s revenue from products and services minus the costs to deliver those products and services to customers, and it’s one of the most important financial metrics a startup can track.…

  • Gross Margins, Early to Late: What They Do (and Don’t) Tell You

    Gross margins are essentially a company’s revenue from products and services minus the costs to deliver those products and services to customers, and it’s one of the most important financial metrics a startup can track.…

  • Building Products for Power Users

    As more digital natives have entered the workplace, they have brought with them the expectation that their software should both be a joy to use and allow them to be power users. That is, users…

  • Building Products for Power Users

    As more digital natives have entered the workplace, they have brought with them the expectation that their software should both be a joy to use and allow them to be power users. That is, users…