a16z Podcast

  • A Nuclear Comeback: Are New Reactors the Answer?

    Nuclear energy accounts for 20% of the electricity in the United States, but remarkably, 2023 marked the commissioning of the U.S.’s first new nuclear reactor in over three decades. The past few years have been…

  • Intelligence in the Age of AI with new CTO of the CIA

    Artificial intelligence has taken the world by storm. But despite the hype around personalized avatars or podcast language translation, artificial intelligence is not only impacting the creative spheres; in fact it’s hard to find an…

  • From Silicon Valley to the Pentagon: The Future of Defense Innovation

    The last few decades have been a period of transition for defense. An increasing number of startups have begun to rival large defense primes, the industry has gradually become a calculus of both hardware and…

  • What is American Dynamism?

    American Dynamism. A term coined by a16z General Partner, Katherine Boyle, two years ago, when she and David Ulevitch founded the firm’s American Dynamism investing practice. Beyond a sector or movement, American Dynamism embodies innovation,…

  • The Quest for True Signal: How Zynga Spotted Mobile

    You might recognize the name Mark Pincus but we almost guarantee you recognize the game Farmville.  Mark Pincus is the founder and longtime CEO of Zynga, known for its massive global franchise of games, including…

  • Beyond Uncanny Valley: Breaking Down Sora

    In early 2024, the notion of high fidelity, believable AI-generated video seemed a distant future to many. Yet, a mere few weeks into the year, OpenAI unveiled Sora, its new state of the art text-to-video…

  • Fraying Wires: The Decentralization of the Electric Grid

    The electric grid needs an update.  In this explainer, a16z Partner Ryan McEntush discusses the escalating complexity of the grid, unveils its vulnerabilities, and traces the evolutionary path that has led us to this point.…

  • Fixing Higher Education & New Startup Opportunities with Marc and Ben

    “The Ben & Marc Show” features a16z’s co-founders Ben Horowitz & Marc Andreessen. In this episode, Marc and Ben continue their in-depth exploration of the current education system. While Part I of their discussion unpacked…

  • Read Write Own: A New Era

    with @cdixon @rhhackett Welcome to the web3 with a16z crypto podcast. I’m Robert Hackett, an editor here at a16z crypto, and I’m here with Chris Dixon, founding partner of a16z crypto and author of the…

  • The What, Who, and When with IPOs

    In 2022 and 2023, US IPOs hit decade lows after the record high of 2021. Now, in 2024, will the IPO window reopen? In this episode, we revisit a conversation with Jeff Jordan, former CEO…