Bonus Interview from Pivot Miami: Meredith Kopit Levien, the President and CEO of the New York Times

Scott shares his interview with Meredith Kopit Levien, the President and CEO of the New York Times, which took place during Pivot Miami this past week.  Meredith discusses the future of news and journalism, the NYT’s moves around subscription, and how it plans to innovate. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The Virtual Real Estate Boom, plus Supersonic Travel — with Kathy Savitt

Scott shares his Pivot Miami interview with Kathy Savitt, the President and Chief Commercial Officer of Boom Technology.  He also opens with his thoughts on why virtual real estate is going to be the Gamestop of 2022.  Algebra of happiness: identifying problems and solutions.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Office Hours: Meta Vs. the Metaverse, Private Equity Dominance, and Professional Coaches

Scott answers a question about why he’s semi-bullish on the metaverse, but bearish on Zuckerberg’s version of it. He then takes a question from a listener who wonders if private equity firms are becoming monopolies, and shares why mentoring is so important. Music: / @dcuttermusic Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The Making of Silicon Valley — with Margaret O’Mara

Margaret O’Mara, a professor of history at the University of Washington, joins Scott to discuss how tech has and will continue to shape the economic map of the US, as well as the importance of public investment in the tech sector. Follow Professor O’Mara on Twitter, @margaretomara.  Professor O’Mara’s book recommendation: The Republic for Which … Read more

Office Hours: McKinsey’s Mistakes, Arizona State’s Online Initiative, and the Great Resignation

Scott answers a question about why Peloton hired McKinsey, a company embroiled in its own troubles. He then shares his take on Arizona State’s global education initiative that aims to enroll 100 million students by 2030, and offers his thoughts on how the great resignation will impact the talent pipeline.  Music: / @dcuttermusic Learn … Read more

So Long, Spotify + Super Fast Delivery — with Ralf Wenzel (CEO of JOKR)

Ralf Wenzel, the founder and CEO of JOKR, joins Scott to discuss the company’s ultra-fast delivery model. We learn how the company operates, the problems this business is trying to solve, and evolving consumer incentives. Scott opens with his decision to remove our pod from Spotify.  Algebra of Happiness: Looking at life through various lenses … Read more

Office Hours: America’s Super App, Online Sports Betting, and Career Bubbles

Scott answers a question about why the U.S. is so behind China in developing a super app. He then shares his thoughts on whether the online sports betting industry is a good investment, and offers advice to someone who fears his booming career path may be unsustainable. Music: / @dcuttermusic Learn more about your … Read more

Emotional Fitness and Entrepreneurship — with Dr. Emily Anhalt

Dr. Emily Anhalt, a clinical psychologist and the co-founder of Coa, a mental health startup, joins Scott to discuss her work with entrepreneurs and her tips for becoming mentally strong. Dr. Anhalt also talks about the implications of mixing technology with mental health. Follow her on Twitter, @dremilyanhalt. Scott opens with his thoughts on the … Read more

Office Hours: Trader Joe’s and the Paradox of Choice, Telehealth’s Future, and Planning an MBA

Scott answers a question about how Trader Joe’s has been able to succeed without offering delivery or online shopping. He then shares his thoughts on why telehealth stocks have crashed back to earth after enormous highs, and offers advice to someone in Japan looking to pursue an MBA in the states. Music: / @dcuttermusic … Read more

Fixing the US Higher Education System — with Stig Leschly

Stig Leschly, the CEO and Founder of College101, an issue advocacy organization focused on US higher education, joins Scott to discuss a variety of issues surrounding higher ed, including the cartel-like price-fixing we see, the low admission rates, and the lack of innovation. Follow Stig on Twitter, @sleschly.  Scott opens with his thoughts on how … Read more