EXTRA: The Opioid Tragedy — How We Got Here

AI transcript
0:00:00 Hey there, it’s Stephen Dubner.
0:00:06 We just finished a two part series that looked at the very long lasting opioid crisis.
0:00:12 It’s horrible.
0:00:13 It’s absolutely horrifying.
0:00:15 We learned why the opioid epidemic has endured and we learned about the billions of dollars
0:00:20 in settlement money and how that should be used.
0:00:24 Don’t spend any money on anything some other funding stream covers.
0:00:28 Today, we wanted to play for you a bonus episode.
0:00:31 This is an update of a piece we published in early 2020, a piece that was also about
0:00:37 the opioid crisis.
0:00:39 As you will hear, the crisis seemed to be leveling off back then.
0:00:43 But as it turned out, it wasn’t.
0:00:45 It continued to worsen, especially during the pandemic, although there are signs that
0:00:49 now it really is leveling off.
0:00:53 In this episode, we spoke with some University of Pennsylvania physicians about an addiction
0:00:58 treatment that they thought should be universal.
0:01:01 They can get it as part of routine medical care, just like they might get their insulin
0:01:05 for their diabetes or their blood pressure medicine.
0:01:08 So is this treatment now universal?
0:01:12 That’s probably a no.
0:01:13 You’ll also hear a bit more from Stephen Lloyd, the Tennessee physician who was featured
0:01:18 in our new series, and stick around to the end of this episode for an update on the team
0:01:23 at Penn Medicine.
0:01:25 As always, thank you for listening.
0:01:47 We’ll see you there.
0:01:56 Jean Marie Perron is a professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of
0:02:01 Pennsylvania.
0:02:02 I’m an emergency medicine physician and a medical toxicologist, which means I was trained
0:02:07 in poisonings and overdoses.
0:02:09 And more recently, I’ve started to do addiction medicine work.
0:02:13 Perron has seen the opioid crisis up close as a researcher and a practitioner.
0:02:18 So we have about 1,000 or 1,200 patients who visited our three hospitals last year,
0:02:23 and about 400 of them were overdoses.
0:02:26 Have you ever used opioids of any sort?
0:02:28 No.
0:02:29 Had a couple kids and broke my leg and broke my wrist.
0:02:34 I didn’t have opioids for any of those three things.
0:02:37 Were you offered in any case?
0:02:38 I broke my leg in Canada, interestingly, I would say right in the middle of the opioid
0:02:42 crisis.
0:02:43 And they’d said, “Do you need anything?”
0:02:45 And I said, “I’m fine with ibuprofen.”
0:02:47 Skiing?
0:02:48 Mountain biking.
0:02:50 But anyway, I did bring it on myself.
0:02:54 But I would definitely say that I would have a super high threshold for anyone in my family.
0:02:59 Anyone I know.
0:03:00 I mean, I advise against it sort of across the board.
0:03:03 Because it’s just too easy to…
0:03:05 It’s just that you just don’t need to go there.
0:03:08 So opioid deaths in the U.S. have leveled off, maybe started to decline a little bit.
0:03:13 What are you seeing here in Philadelphia?
0:03:15 So they did decline a little bit.
0:03:17 I think what is important about the national data is that the deaths that have declined
0:03:22 the most are the oral pills.
0:03:25 And that’s probably the result of deprescribing and a little bit of a result of prescription
0:03:30 drug monitoring programs preventing the co-prescribing of benzodiazepines with opioids.
0:03:35 A little bit more public awareness like I shouldn’t drink when I’m taking back pain medication.
0:03:42 Another potential driver of the slight decline in deaths is the widespread availability of
0:03:47 Narcan, an emergency nasal spray of the drug naloxone, which can stop an overdose as it’s
0:03:53 happening wherever it’s happening.
0:03:56 Perone has administered Narcan herself a few times.
0:03:58 The most recent was riding the subway home in Philadelphia after a night out.
0:04:04 And somebody called and said, “Does anyone have Narcan?
0:04:07 There’s a man down.”
0:04:08 And I do carry Narcan.
0:04:10 And so I ran five or six subway cars up and there was a man on the ground.
0:04:14 Getting CPR was blue, cyanotic, was pulseless, really on the brink of death or defined as
0:04:21 dead already, maybe.
0:04:22 And so we continued CPR, I got my Narcan out, I gave him one dose and he didn’t really
0:04:27 respond and then I gave him another dose.
0:04:30 And then I thought, you know, we needed to do mouth to mouth.
0:04:32 And then I thought maybe some of the Narcan was still stuck in his nose and so I sort
0:04:35 of scribbled his nose a little bit and kind of irritated him a little bit more.
0:04:39 And then he took like one teeny, tiny breath and over the course of the next, you know,
0:04:45 90 seconds, he started to wake up and then about 10 minutes later, EMS came.
0:04:50 I was like, “You guys just saved this guy’s life.”
0:04:52 You’re saying you guys, but you were the one that came with him.
0:04:54 Well, no, but they had started CPR.
0:04:56 They had called someone for help.
0:04:57 They had called 911.
0:04:58 I mean, they had done so much, you know, we simulate resuscitations like that in the hospital
0:05:02 and this group of, you know, people just got it all together, did it, all the right thing.
0:05:06 So it was really impressive.
0:05:07 I mean, it was probably 25 or 30 people at the end of it all.
0:05:10 And it was like this amazing, I call it my Philly moment because it was like winning
0:05:14 the Super Bowl when everyone was in the streets and everyone just had this amazing bond.
0:05:18 And it was just, it was incredible.
0:05:19 It brought tears to my eyes then and it brings tears to my eyes when I talk about it.
0:05:26 So that story had a happy ending.
0:05:28 Many overdose stories do not, and Narcan can only do so much.
0:05:33 It doesn’t treat the underlying addiction.
0:05:36 The patients who come to the emergency department after receiving Narcan from an overdose, about
0:05:41 6% of them are dead at the end of one year and 10% of them are dead at the end of two
0:05:45 years.
0:05:46 So there is no other medical condition that we currently treat in the emergency department
0:05:49 that has that kind of mortality.
0:05:51 So from your perspective, I’m curious, you’re an ER doc and people come in for help.
0:05:58 They help when they’re in a desperate state already, right?
0:06:01 They’re not typically coming to you to say, I’ve been thinking long and hard about my
0:06:05 life and I want to make a graduated change, right?
0:06:09 So what can you do for them?
0:06:11 What was the treatment, let’s say five years ago when the problem was starting to really
0:06:15 turn into a horror and how does the treatment differ now?
0:06:20 So that’s a great question.
0:06:21 Five years ago, an overdose patient hopefully got some compassion in the emergency department
0:06:26 and a little bit of a conversation about why they may have overdosed that day or what we
0:06:30 can do to help them.
0:06:32 Maybe as of four or three years ago, they would have been discharged with a box of Narcan
0:06:36 or naloxone so that if they were exposed to another overdose, somebody could use that
0:06:40 on them or they could use it on a friend or colleague.
0:06:44 I think fast-forwarding from there, what we’ve realized is that giving them kind of a crumpled
0:06:49 piece of paper, it said you should stop using drugs, doesn’t really work.
0:06:53 They’re in a cycle of using and fighting withdrawal every three or four hours.
0:06:59 And so that doesn’t lend itself to getting your phone out and making an appointment from
0:07:02 Monday morning to see an addiction specialist.
0:07:08 This appointment model was failing in other hospitals too.
0:07:11 We were on the front lines just seeing patients being brought in, sometimes being just dropped
0:07:17 off at the door and thrown at the emergency personnel.
0:07:22 Ms. Gail Denafrio.
0:07:23 I am Professor and Chair of Emergency Medicine at the Yale School of Medicine.
0:07:29 She is also Chief of Emergency Services at Yale New Haven Health.
0:07:33 So like Perone, Denafrio is a practitioner and a researcher.
0:07:38 So our study in JAMA in 2015 was looking at different models of care for opiate use disorder.
0:07:44 JAMA is the Journal of the American Medical Association.
0:07:48 And in 2015, ER practitioners like Denafrio weren’t having much success treating the
0:07:54 many opioid addicts they’d started to see.
0:07:56 So she and her team set up a study.
0:07:59 It included 300 patients divided into three treatment groups.
0:08:04 In the first group.
0:08:05 We’ll try to motivate them to get care and then we’ll refer them to the centers of care
0:08:11 that we had here at Yale or in the community.
0:08:15 This was the standard treatment at the time, the crumpled piece of paper model that Jean
0:08:19 Marie Perone mentioned.
0:08:21 The second group of Denafrio’s patients got a bit extra.
0:08:24 They got motivational enhancement, which we call the brief negotiation interview.
0:08:30 That was a 15 minute conversation talking about their addiction and the circumstances
0:08:35 that led to it.
0:08:36 And then those people got a facilitator referral.
0:08:40 Not just a crumpled piece of paper.
0:08:42 So we actually called the place ourselves and if it was at night, we’d call them in
0:08:46 the morning and said, we refer this person to you.
0:08:49 And then the third group.
0:08:50 They got also a motivational enhancement brief intervention.
0:08:54 But then they were started on buprenorphine.
0:08:59 So buprenorphine is a opioid agonist, which means it activates the opioid receptor just
0:09:05 like heroin and oxycodone.
0:09:09 Jean Marie Perone again.
0:09:10 I think everyone knows methadone and methadone is our historically opioid agonist treatment
0:09:17 that we use for patients with opioid use disorder and the only treatment we really had for a
0:09:21 long time.
0:09:22 But methadone has issues.
0:09:24 Methadone is dispensed from federal treatment programs and the patient has to go there every
0:09:28 single day to get their dose.
0:09:31 And the opioid agonist methadone works by being a very long acting opioid and acting
0:09:35 at the opioid receptor.
0:09:36 And in high enough doses, it thwarts the use of other opioid agonists.
0:09:42 Buprenorphine is different.
0:09:43 First of all, it can be prescribed from a doctor’s office.
0:09:45 So the patient doesn’t have to go to a methadone clinic every day.
0:09:48 They can get it as part of routine medical care, just like they might get their insulin
0:09:52 for their diabetes or their blood pressure medicine.
0:09:55 And it’s intended to be less stigmatizing to get it as part of routine medical care.
0:10:00 The other thing is that it’s a partial agonist at the opioid receptor, so it doesn’t continue
0:10:04 to activate it the way methadone does.
0:10:06 So that’s what we call a sealing effect, which makes it much safer so that there isn’t as
0:10:11 much respiratory depression and there isn’t as much risk of opioid overdose and death.
0:10:16 It’s really hard to overdose on it.
0:10:19 It’s hard even if a child takes a pill of their adult family or friend and off a table
0:10:26 that they will die from it, because it does eventually just reach that sealing effect.
0:10:31 So buprenorphine, which is itself an opioid, would seem to offer a safer and more flexible
0:10:37 treatment for opioid addiction.
0:10:39 But how effective is it?
0:10:42 That’s what Denofrio is really looking for in her study at Yale.
0:10:46 And so what we found was that those patients that were in the buprenorphine group were
0:10:52 two times more likely to be in formal treatment at 30 days in one month.
0:10:59 That was a huge improvement over the two other groups in the study.
0:11:04 So about 37% of patients in the referral group were in treatment, and about 45% in the brief
0:11:11 intervention group, and then almost 80% in the buprenorphine group.
0:11:16 So they were able to double the rate of engagement of patients who showed up for a follow-up
0:11:21 meeting.
0:11:22 When Jean Marie Perron of Penn saw the Yale study, she was impressed and excited.
0:11:28 And that is so critical to getting people into treatment.
0:11:34 And that medication stabilizes the cycle of withdrawal that patients are experiencing.
0:11:39 So it’s really important to not say you can come in tomorrow for your first appointment,
0:11:43 but here’s a medication.
0:11:44 The next 12 hours won’t be the hell you think it’s going to be if you start on this medication
0:11:48 now.
0:11:49 So that sounds like a wildly useful drug that I’m sure every hospital and medical board
0:11:54 and state legislature must be in favor of dispensing more of this antidote, yes?
0:12:02 That’s probably a no.
0:12:03 I think there’s a lot of good people in theory who do want to do this and expand our treatment.
0:12:08 I think the logistics of learning how to administer buprenorphine sounds more complicated than
0:12:13 it might be, and that is a barrier.
0:12:15 What do you mean by the logistics of administering it?
0:12:18 So first of all, in order to write a prescription for buprenorphine, you have to get something
0:12:23 called an X-Waver, which means that you have to take an eight-hour training program, and
0:12:28 you have to apply to the DEA to get a special waiver.
0:12:31 Does the same sort of waiver licensing process apply to prescribing medical opioids in the
0:12:36 first place?
0:12:37 It does not.
0:12:38 So I can, in fact, treat your opioid use disorder with oxycodone or hydromorphone if I wanted
0:12:44 to, and that would be not regulated at all.
0:12:48 So why the extra level of regulation for buprenorphine?
0:12:53 It’s complicated, but when we went from the late ’60s when we started methadone, and we
0:12:58 had people who needed treatment, but we weren’t going to let just any doctor prescribe it,
0:13:02 and so that’s why methadone was restricted to these federal treatment programs.
0:13:05 But then when we said, well, in 2000, buprenorphine became available and was approved in the
0:13:11 United States, but we weren’t just going to let every doctor put out a shingle and start
0:13:15 administering buprenorphine.
0:13:19 Buprenorphine is most commonly administered in a name brand drug called suboxone, which
0:13:24 also contains naloxone.
0:13:27 Buprenorphine was invented by the pharma-firm Wreckett Benkeiser in 1966, one of many synthetic
0:13:33 opioids designed in the 20th century.
0:13:36 They were meant to treat pain, but be less addictive than opium itself.
0:13:41 But as it turned out, most of them were addictive.
0:13:44 That is the foundational problem of the prescription opioid crisis.
0:13:48 In the 1990s, Wreckett Benkeiser recognized buprenorphine’s potential for treating opioid
0:13:54 use disorder, and it spun off its buprenorphine division into what is now a subsidiary company
0:14:00 called Indivior.
0:14:02 Several years ago, another drug company thought about getting into the buprenorphine market,
0:14:07 Purdue Pharma, which makes Oxycontin, one of the most widely abused prescription opioids.
0:14:12 A Purdue memo at the time called buprenorphine an attractive market, but they never did
0:14:18 jump in.
0:14:19 Today, Purdue is the target of thousands of lawsuits charged with having downplayed the
0:14:24 addictive nature of Oxycontin.
0:14:27 Just how influential was Purdue in the opioid universe?
0:14:31 Consider this startling development.
0:14:33 The World Health Organization recently retracted its two main guidelines for using opioids
0:14:39 to treat pain.
0:14:41 Why?
0:14:42 Because the guidelines, it has now been discovered, were unduly influenced by opioid manufacturers,
0:14:48 including Purdue’s International subsidiary.
0:14:51 And yet, at this moment, Oxycontin is still legally and widely dispensed as a useful painkiller
0:14:58 that is also easily subject to abuse.
0:15:01 Suboxone, meanwhile, is much harder to abuse, but is also harder to get.
0:15:07 What do medical professionals who treat opioid addiction think of this?
0:15:10 Here’s what one doctor wrote on the Health Affairs blog, “Buprenorphine has the potential
0:15:16 to be a transformative tool in healthcare practitioners’ fight to reduce deaths from
0:15:21 opioid overdose, but that the x-wavering process is onerous, outdated, and hampers our ability
0:15:27 to help patients manage and recover from opioid addiction.”
0:15:31 An editorial in JAMA Psychiatry made the same complaint and noted that easing the restrictions
0:15:37 on buprenorphine in France helped drive down deaths from opioid overdose there by nearly
0:15:43 80%.
0:15:44 If extrapolated to the United States, the authors wrote, “This translates to more
0:15:48 than 30,000 fewer annual deaths from opioid overdoses.”
0:15:56 So globally, the statistics are tremendous, no doubt, in the evidence there.
0:16:01 Do you see the waiver requirement for buprenorphine as a sort of overcorrection, overresponse
0:16:08 to the medical community’s own embrace of opioids in the first place, like we messed
0:16:14 up big time, and at the very least, what we’re not going to do now is mess up in the same
0:16:20 direction, even though this might be a different direction?
0:16:23 I think it lingers because of some of those concerns, but if we go back to 2000, we didn’t
0:16:28 really have any kind of opioid crisis in 2000.
0:16:31 So it was really approved in the absence of a big surge in opioid use at the time.
0:16:36 I think not repealing it at this point is probably multifactorial.
0:16:41 People are worried about suboxone diversion, so the same substance that we want to prescribe
0:16:45 is also available on the street, and we acknowledge that.
0:16:48 But it’s not used on the street to get high.
0:16:51 It’s used for patients to treat their own withdrawal symptoms when they’re unable to
0:16:55 get other medications.
0:16:56 So I think that’s part of why there’s been some resistance to taking away the X-Waver.
0:17:03 I think it also is going to take an act of Congress, which is fairly hard to accomplish.
0:17:09 And I think that repealing the X-Waver isn’t entirely going to open the floodgates for prescribers
0:17:14 who want to prescribe buprenorphine.
0:17:15 There’s still some education and some stigma that needs to be addressed before more people
0:17:21 are going to be willing to prescribe.
0:17:24 This situation has changed somewhat since we first published this episode.
0:17:29 In 2023, President Biden did sign a bill eliminating the federal requirement for doctors
0:17:35 to obtain an X-Waver to prescribe buprenorphine, but some states still have their own restrictions
0:17:41 on prescribing the medication.
0:17:43 And that isn’t the only thing that’s keeping buprenorphine from being used more widely.
0:17:48 If you look at residential treatment programs across the country, most of them, over 70%
0:17:53 of them are still abstinence 12-step-based programs.
0:17:56 That is Stephen Lloyd, a physician in Tennessee who specializes in addiction.
0:18:01 Lloyd himself was addicted to prescription painkillers for years.
0:18:06 “Basically, I took pills all day long.
0:18:09 When I got out of bed in the morning, I had withdrawn during the night, so I was sweating.
0:18:13 I felt like an 80-year-old man, and I was in my early 30s.”
0:18:17 Lloyd went into a detox program and then a 30-day residential rehab facility, which
0:18:22 got him turned around.
0:18:23 Today, he’s the medical director for a network of addiction treatment centers.
0:18:28 “I’m a big believer in medication-assisted treatment.
0:18:31 And we know that the most effective thing that we can do for opioid addiction is actually
0:18:35 medication-assisted treatment with the use of drugs like buprenorphine, methadone, and
0:18:40 naltrexone.
0:18:41 And I’ve taken heat from this in the local treatment community as well as the treatment
0:18:46 community statewide and even nationally.”
0:18:47 Can you just describe where that pushback and that reluctance is coming from?
0:18:53 “Well, unfortunately, Stephen, the pushback comes from people in the recovery community.
0:18:57 And one of the problems with addiction medicine is that most of the people that work in the
0:19:01 field or a lot of the people that work in the field had to issue themselves.
0:19:04 That’s how they got in the field, like myself.
0:19:07 But they believe that the only way to get healthy is how they got healthy.
0:19:10 So it’s totally anecdotal.”
0:19:16 As Lloyd noted, most addiction treatment programs do stress total abstinence, including 12-step
0:19:22 programs like Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous.
0:19:26 How successful are such programs?
0:19:29 That is a famously difficult question.
0:19:32 Solid data are hard to come by.
0:19:34 After all, anonymity is a feature of such programs and there are all kinds of possible
0:19:39 selection biases.
0:19:41 Alcoholics Anonymous claims that 75% of its participants stay sober.
0:19:46 But academic studies put the success rate closer to 10% or even less.
0:19:51 That said, one Stanford study compared addicts who quit with the help of AA versus those
0:19:56 who quit on their own and found that AA nearly doubled the success rate.
0:20:01 Stephen Lloyd’s argument is that abstinence is the chosen path for the recovery community,
0:20:07 but that medical professionals embrace MAT, medication-assisted treatment.
0:20:11 “You’ve got the World Health Organization, you’ve got NIDA.”
0:20:15 That is the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
0:20:17 “Everybody who looks at this says the role of medication is paramount.
0:20:22 It should be the cornerstone yet it’s so hard to get people into those programs because
0:20:27 of the stigma associated.
0:20:28 A lot of times it will be from parents.
0:20:30 I’ve had numerous parents talk their kids out of medication because they said they were
0:20:34 trading one drug for another and then a few months down the road I get the call that they’ve
0:20:38 overdosed and died and I can’t tell you how heartbreaking those calls are.”
0:20:42 If I say to you, I don’t like the idea of the pharmaceutical industry being able to
0:20:47 be the chief beneficiary of medication-assisted treatment because they helped drive this problem
0:20:54 in the first place.
0:20:55 It’s a little bit like, you know, I set a house on fire and then I’m the hero who calls
0:21:00 in the fire to the fire department.
0:21:01 I don’t like the optics of that, I don’t like the economics of that.
0:21:05 What do you say to that argument?
0:21:06 I have to say, I agree with you a million percent.
0:21:08 It makes me choke every time I think about it, but I don’t have a better option.
0:21:13 I don’t have anything else that’s going to stop my patients dying at the rate that
0:21:17 MAT does.
0:21:18 I can’t stand it.
0:21:19 I read somewhere recently that several years back Purdue Pharma tried to acquire the marketing
0:21:25 rights to buprenorphine, which just absolutely is unconscionable to me, and so I would agree
0:21:31 with you one thousand percent.
0:21:32 I wish there was a better option, but right now there’s not, and so I can’t let my feelings
0:21:38 get in the way of trying to help my patients and help them stay alive.
0:21:43 Could you describe for me the underlying causes of opioid addiction?
0:21:47 I guess what I’m looking for is if you could break it down between a physiological addiction
0:21:52 or craving, as well as the psychological and environmental drivers.
0:21:57 Well, I don’t know how much more I need to break it down.
0:22:00 You just did.
0:22:01 You know, that’s the classic biopsychosocial model that you just described.
0:22:04 So that’s really the three big components of developing any addiction, in this case opioids.
0:22:09 So I teach it in terms of a slot machine, you know, when the three sevens come down
0:22:13 on the pay line, that’s when the money comes out.
0:22:16 So the first seven is the bio component, and that’s simply genetics.
0:22:19 Do you have a family history of any addiction?
0:22:22 If you do, then that first seven comes down on the pay line, and addiction is about sixty
0:22:27 percent genetic for the most part.
0:22:29 The second part is the psychological component.
0:22:32 What kind of household are you raised in?
0:22:34 Do you have a high ASA score, adverse childhood experiences, where you physically, sexually,
0:22:39 you’re emotionally abused?
0:22:40 Do you have that chronic trauma maybe even later in your life?
0:22:43 If you do, then that second seven is down on the pay line.
0:22:46 And then the third seven is the social component, and that’s just the availability.
0:22:50 You know, what is widely available?
0:22:52 And the thing that’s most widely available and accepted is alcohol, and that’s still
0:22:56 mostly what we see people abusing and addicted to.
0:23:00 But in the late 1980s, early 90s, and into the 2000s, opioids became much more widespread.
0:23:07 You and many others call addiction generally a disease.
0:23:11 And it sounds like the factors that may determine your likelihood for the disease are pretty
0:23:16 much everywhere.
0:23:18 So do you see this as a different sort of disease than we typically think about with epidemiology?
0:23:26 Let’s take a disease that everybody agrees on, type two diabetes mellitus.
0:23:29 You know, nobody has a problem with type two diabetes being a disease, right?
0:23:33 I never hear any discussion about that yet for the most part, it’s behavioral, right?
0:23:37 Why do people get type two diabetes?
0:23:38 Well, they don’t eat right and they don’t exercise correctly.
0:23:42 And so we treat that widely with medication to try to decrease the bad outcomes with diabetes.
0:23:47 So you know, I look at addiction as being much the same.
0:23:51 If you know about addiction, addiction is a brain disease.
0:23:55 Gildanofriogen from Yale.
0:23:57 And we know by looking at scans of the brain that even though I maybe have had treatment
0:24:04 and I’m no longer physically dependent, the minute you show me something, whether it’s
0:24:09 a syringe or it could be just a place that I used, parts of my brain might make a little
0:24:15 light up, showing that I still have this craving.
0:24:20 I still have this possibility to use if I get back in that situation.
0:24:25 I can’t pray myself out of it.
0:24:28 I can’t will myself out of it.
0:24:30 So it doesn’t matter if I call it a disease or a learning disorder.
0:24:33 It is a rewiring of the brain, the reward system in the frontal lobe interaction, and to where
0:24:37 the primary focus becomes acquisition of this substance for me to be okay.
0:24:42 And so when I look at it in those terms, it looks a lot like diabetes to me.
0:24:46 Can you talk for a minute about federal policy toward medication assisted treatment and perhaps
0:24:52 buprenorphine specifically, from what I’ve read the policy recommendations during the
0:24:56 Trump administration have been evolving very rapidly?
0:25:00 If you look at, you know, President Trump’s first appointment to the head of Department
0:25:04 of Health and Human Services was Dr. Tom Price.
0:25:06 He came out early on and said, “Well, you know, this is simply switching one drug for
0:25:10 another.”
0:25:11 And those of us in the addiction field had serious angst about that, but you have folks
0:25:15 in HHS right now that are giving really good direction with regards to medication assisted
0:25:20 treatment and making it more widely available.
0:25:23 It is evolving quickly, and I think we’re to the point now that some of the stigma is
0:25:27 being decreased simply because so many people have died.
0:25:31 Instead of defining recovery as total abstinence from any medication, I want to define recovery
0:25:36 in those parameters of, is your life getting better?
0:25:39 Are you still going to jail?
0:25:40 Do you have your kids back?
0:25:41 Do you have a job?
0:25:43 Are you a member of the tax-paying citizenship of the United States?
0:25:46 To me, those are much more reflective of effective treatment than whether or not somebody is
0:25:50 totally abstinent from all drugs because some 12-step group says they have to be.
0:25:57 Stephen Lloyd’s philosophy, as well as that of Gail Denafrio and Jean-Marie Perron, falls
0:26:02 under the umbrella of what is called harm reduction.
0:26:04 It’s the idea that you treat risk, not as something that must be driven to zero.
0:26:09 In a recent episode called “The Truth About the Vaping Crisis,” we talked about the battle
0:26:14 between smoking abstentionists, people who argue that nobody should be consuming any
0:26:19 nicotine in any form, and harm reductionists who argue that vaping may carry risks, but
0:26:25 they’re almost certainly smaller than the risks from smoking cigarettes.
0:26:29 When it comes to opioid abuse, the gap between the abstentionists and the harm reductionists
0:26:35 seems to be even wider.
0:26:37 Why is that?
0:26:38 What’s different about opioids?
0:26:40 It’s always been stigmatized.
0:26:41 I don’t know why.
0:26:43 I think any time you lessen the stigma associated with addiction, you increase people’s opportunity
0:26:48 to step out of the shadows and ask for help.
0:26:52 After the break, how that help happens, when it happens, and we talked to two addicts
0:26:57 in recovery, one of whom now works at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital, helping
0:27:02 other addicts break the grip.
0:27:04 You’re listening to Freakinomics Radio.
0:27:06 I’m Stephen Dovner, we’ll be right back.
0:27:22 As we’ve been hearing, treating opioid addiction with another opioid like buprenorphine is
0:27:28 not a concept that is universally embraced, but a lot of smart and dedicated people are
0:27:35 in favor, including Jean-Marie Perron, a medical researcher and ER doctor at the University
0:27:40 of Pennsylvania.
0:27:42 She and her team have been creating a new treatment protocol for opioid addiction that
0:27:47 includes buprenorphine or suboxone, but more than just that.
0:27:51 They are changing the way addicts are treated from the moment they wind up in the ER.
0:27:56 This treatment includes what they call a warm handoff.
0:28:00 So a warm handoff is a newish term, is the idea that a patient at a hospital or a clinic
0:28:06 is going to be discharged having already met a peer or someone who’s going to either accompany
0:28:10 them to an appointment, or they’ve met the doctor or clinician who will take care of
0:28:15 them, so that there’s a close connection between the patient and the patient’s next
0:28:19 step in recovery.
0:28:21 And there’s another member of the warm handoff team, a peer counselor.
0:28:26 Our peer counselors are people who are in recovery themselves and who can start the
0:28:29 dialogue right there and about what it would look like if they tried medication or tried
0:28:36 to get into a treatment program or tried to engage in care right then.
0:28:40 It’s all about engagement.
0:28:42 These peer counselors are on staff at the hospital.
0:28:44 They’ve gone through certification training and they’ve got first hand experience as opioid
0:28:50 addicts.
0:28:51 I think they’re some of the most, not just dedicated, but people who have been through
0:28:57 more than I’ve ever been in my super easy life and who have come to the other side and
0:29:02 who want to help other people and who are successful at helping other people.
0:29:06 They’re special.
0:29:07 People like Nicole.
0:29:08 People like Nicole.
0:29:09 Absolutely.
0:29:10 I am Nicole O’Donnell and I’m a certified recovery specialist in emergency rooms at
0:29:15 Penn.
0:29:16 So Nicole, what’s your story?
0:29:18 How’d you get to be in this position?
0:29:20 So from using to here, there was a lot of work.
0:29:24 So my first love was Bendos, which was Xanax.
0:29:27 That’s what I became addicted to.
0:29:30 I went to rehab.
0:29:31 I was 21.
0:29:32 My first time, I went to treatment, inpatient treatment and it worked.
0:29:36 It worked for about two years and then there was opioid painkillers around.
0:29:43 So that’s, you know, why not, right?
0:29:46 And then oxycontins weren’t really as readily available then.
0:29:52 So it was like perk 30s and opiates that were, you know, someone’s prescription that we got.
0:29:59 And then they are very expensive.
0:30:02 So it was easier to get heroin.
0:30:06 And then what happened?
0:30:07 How’d you finally get clean?
0:30:10 I was tired of stalling withdrawal because that’s all I was doing in the end was using
0:30:15 so I wasn’t in withdrawal, right?
0:30:17 So I came to this realization that I’m going to continue to be in withdrawal every single
0:30:23 time until I do something about it because the withdrawal is awful and nobody wants to
0:30:27 be in it.
0:30:28 And I realized my life was trying to figure out how I was getting drugs just to stop withdrawal.
0:30:33 It’s not fun in the end.
0:30:34 It’s not a party.
0:30:35 Nobody’s happy.
0:30:36 You know, you’re just really trying not to be sick and barely functioning.
0:30:41 You had a sister?
0:30:42 Yes.
0:30:43 Yes.
0:30:44 One.
0:30:45 She was younger than me.
0:30:46 Jessica.
0:30:47 Yeah.
0:30:48 And I understand she died of an overdose.
0:30:49 She did.
0:30:50 And it was December 14th of 14.
0:30:53 Okay.
0:30:54 And what were her drugs or drugs?
0:30:56 Heroin.
0:30:57 And what was your relationship like with her then?
0:30:59 We used together.
0:31:00 Yeah.
0:31:01 She gave me heroin for the first time.
0:31:04 So I was doing restaurant management for the first seven years of my recovery and then
0:31:08 I lost my sister.
0:31:09 And that’s when I started doing outreach.
0:31:12 I needed to give her death purpose and I needed to maybe be the person for people that she
0:31:18 probably didn’t encounter in her active addiction.
0:31:23 O’Donnell introduced me to one of the people that she’s been helping.
0:31:27 My name’s Eileen Richardson.
0:31:29 I am a restaurant manager.
0:31:31 I’m also an alcoholic and an addict.
0:31:34 I’m from the Jersey Shore originally.
0:31:37 New to Philadelphia.
0:31:38 I’ve been here a little over a year now.
0:31:41 I’m married.
0:31:42 I have a wife.
0:31:43 I have a son.
0:31:44 He just turned three.
0:31:45 Congratulations.
0:31:46 What’s his name?
0:31:47 His name is Henrik, or Henrik Matthew Richardson as he likes to say.
0:31:50 On the day we spoke, Richardson had been in recovery for 93 days.
0:31:54 She had come into the pen ER after overdosing.
0:31:58 And Nicole came to meet me in the hospital.
0:32:01 I believe it was the physician that I saw asked me if I was interested in getting help.
0:32:06 And he said he had somebody he knew that I could talk to and Nicole showed up to talk
0:32:11 to me.
0:32:12 Yeah.
0:32:13 You overdosed on what?
0:32:14 On heroin and fentanyl.
0:32:17 Nicole helped Eileen get on Suboxone.
0:32:20 I’m still doing the Suboxone.
0:32:22 I take it every day.
0:32:24 The Suboxone helps.
0:32:25 I don’t have cravings.
0:32:26 And right away that started.
0:32:28 When I went back in the second time to the Suboxone clinic, the recent time, they upped
0:32:33 my dose.
0:32:34 And from that day on, I haven’t had a single craving for any opiate sense.
0:32:40 What’s that feel like?
0:32:41 Pretty awesome.
0:32:42 I’m pretty amazing.
0:32:43 So how much of your success would you attribute to working with Nicole and having a peer who
0:32:50 understands it, the drug itself, and then any other third or fourth reason?
0:32:55 I mean, they all play a big part.
0:32:57 I wouldn’t want to break it into percentages or graphs or anything like that because for
0:33:01 me, it’s all intertwined.
0:33:03 But do you think that Nicole without the Suboxone would do it?
0:33:07 No.
0:33:08 The Suboxone is definitely something I needed.
0:33:11 But if I was just doing the Suboxone and nothing else, I would stop taking the Suboxone.
0:33:17 I wouldn’t keep taking it.
0:33:19 The drug helps the physical part.
0:33:21 And then everything else I do helps me become a new person, a new human being, which is
0:33:26 my goal.
0:33:27 So the Suboxone helps you get back to the level that Nicole can work there.
0:33:34 Exactly.
0:33:35 Yeah.
0:33:36 Yeah.
0:33:37 In my belief, yeah.
0:33:38 Suboxone sounds like a really good solution, at least for some of the people some of the
0:33:42 time.
0:33:43 Right?
0:33:44 Can you talk about, I guess, the problem or the barrier of being able to use it as widely
0:33:48 as it might ought to be used?
0:33:50 So from my perspective, aside from the X-weavering and the medical barriers that the doctors
0:33:57 experience, from our experience too, is there’s a big stigma with it in the recovery community?
0:34:04 The recovery community traditionally has been abstinence-based, and that means nothing.
0:34:10 No medications, no illicit drug use, nothing.
0:34:13 How come?
0:34:15 It’s just this deep-seated thing.
0:34:18 The 12-step programs, there’s a lot of tradition and stuff like that, and there’s not a lot
0:34:23 of change.
0:34:24 And I’m not going to lie.
0:34:26 I love the 12 steps, and I love the program, and it’s done so much for me.
0:34:30 But I don’t talk about the fact that I use Suboxone.
0:34:33 My sponsor knows.
0:34:35 My close friends know, but I don’t bring it up in meetings.
0:34:38 And there’s different 12-step programs, obviously, and one of them specifically states that MAT
0:34:45 is not considered clean.
0:34:47 Eileen, right before we started recording, you told us that a friend of yours just died
0:34:53 just now.
0:34:54 Yeah.
0:34:55 I don’t know how much you want to say about those circumstances.
0:34:59 It’s a friend you knew for how long and how’d they die?
0:35:02 I have known him since I started going to the 12-step group that I go to, what we call
0:35:09 our home group, back in February.
0:35:12 He was coming up on a year sober in 18 days.
0:35:16 He would have had a year, and how it happens is that people stop, and then they go back
0:35:24 out and they think they can use the same amount that they were using once before, and you
0:35:29 just can’t anymore.
0:35:31 You’re pretty much killing yourself if you go back out.
0:35:34 Not people always close to me, but I know someone that’s dying every week, but I was
0:35:40 with him yesterday, and we were talking and joking about the fishing trip that we’re going
0:35:45 on next week, and his mom was just talking to him on Facebook about how proud she was
0:35:53 of him, and it’s a horrible disease.
0:35:56 Who’s heroin?
0:35:59 Really heroin and fentanyl, everything’s fentanyl now.
0:36:06 The opioid crisis really began with prescription pills, then moved into heroin, and now synthetic
0:36:12 fentanyl, which presents a particularly high risk of overdose.
0:36:16 To that end, there is another idea currently under consideration in Philadelphia.
0:36:20 We’re all harm reductionists here.
0:36:23 Nicole O’Donnell again, the certified recovery specialist.
0:36:26 So we advocate for safe injection practices, the needle exchange, but there’s this safe
0:36:35 house that we’re all advocating for, and it’s a place to go for people to safely not overdose.
0:36:41 They go use, drugs get tested, they have medical staff, they have peers, hopefully, there to
0:36:48 navigate them into treatment the same way we do in the emergency room.
0:36:52 The legal official kind of safe drug use site that O’Donnell is describing doesn’t exist
0:36:58 yet, at least not in Philadelphia.
0:37:00 Two sites have been approved in the US, one in New York City, which is up and running,
0:37:05 and one in Providence, Rhode Island, which is still in development.
0:37:09 Sites like this also exist in several Canadian cities.
0:37:12 The safe house nonprofit is backed by many local and state officials, but it has faced
0:37:17 pushback from the US Justice Department.
0:37:20 Things today don’t look promising.
0:37:23 A federal court recently ruled against safe house in a multi-year case against the Justice
0:37:29 Department.
0:37:30 My point of advocacy for safe house is for people like your friends that just passed,
0:37:36 because he’s in recovery, right?
0:37:37 If I use, I’m going to die.
0:37:39 Fortunately, through my years of, you know, this advocacy, I have a person, I have a safe
0:37:45 house.
0:37:46 I have a person that I would call if I didn’t want to die to make sure I didn’t overdose
0:37:50 if I used.
0:37:51 I have that.
0:37:52 That’s a safety net, right?
0:37:53 Not everyone has that.
0:37:54 So this is a place that we want people to be able to go like your friends.
0:37:59 If he was at this place, he wouldn’t have died.
0:38:02 The opposite of addiction is not recovered.
0:38:04 The opposite of addiction is community and relationship.
0:38:07 You can’t have community if you’re dead.
0:38:10 Dr. Stephen Lloyd again.
0:38:12 So the first thing is to keep patients alive.
0:38:14 Now, the longer that we keep them alive, the more that we need to be able to engage them
0:38:19 in supportive environments around really everything.
0:38:22 And what’s your position on, I guess, legal dispensaries of illegal drugs?
0:38:28 And I’m curious if there’s any movement toward that in Tennessee.
0:38:32 You’re really putting me in a position to get in trouble.
0:38:34 I think we have to look at this point at all harm reduction strategies.
0:38:38 So I think anytime you lessen the stigma associated with addiction, you increase people’s opportunity
0:38:43 to step out of the shadows and ask for help.
0:38:45 And I’m for any modality that gets people to that point.
0:38:51 The warm handoff program at UPenn is still relatively new.
0:38:55 I asked Nicola O’Donnell, the recovery specialist, how many patients she will see in a given
0:39:00 day.
0:39:01 In an average day, we could see up to six people.
0:39:04 I mean, whether they’re inpatient for a medical reason, inpatient in our inpatient
0:39:10 drug and alcohol treatment or they’re through the emergency room.
0:39:13 One of those six, how many are willing to at least have a conversation with you about
0:39:18 medication assisted therapy?
0:39:20 Honestly, there’s not many that say they don’t want to talk.
0:39:24 Whether they want things or not, it’s a different story, you know, then we have a harm reduction
0:39:28 conversation.
0:39:29 But nobody really throws you out of the room and says, I don’t want to talk about anything.
0:39:41 So if there’s one misperception about opioids, about use, abuse, whatever, that many people
0:39:51 like public radio nerds who are going to listen to this, if there’s one thing they really
0:39:55 don’t know, what would you want to tell people?
0:39:59 That opiate use disorder is treatable.
0:40:01 It’s not a death sentence.
0:40:03 It’s not, you know, it’s a medical condition and it’s treatable.
0:40:07 It sounds so simple when you say it that way, but there’s all this conversation going on
0:40:12 around the topic now in the political community and it’s never said that simply.
0:40:17 Why not?
0:40:18 Because we like to overcomplicate things and it really doesn’t need to be overcomplicated.
0:40:23 Eileen takes her medication, she engages and she goes to meetings and she’s doing amazing
0:40:28 and she’s a mom to her son, right?
0:40:32 It’s treatable.
0:40:33 We don’t have to overcomplicate it.
0:40:41 That was our report on the opioid crisis from 2020.
0:40:45 We recently reached out to the team at Penn for an update.
0:40:49 Here’s what Dr. Perrone told us.
0:40:51 Our program has grown substantially since we last spoke.
0:40:54 We started a new center at Penn called the Center for Addiction Medicine and Policy and
0:40:59 have multiple grants to sustain our work.
0:41:03 Freakonomics Radio is produced by Stitcher and Renbud Radio.
0:41:06 You can find our entire archive on any podcast app also at Freakonomics.com where we publish
0:41:11 transcripts and show notes.
0:41:13 This episode was produced by Zak Lipinski.
0:41:16 Our staff also includes Alina Cullman, Augusta Chapman, Dalvin Aboulagi, Eleanor Osborn,
0:41:21 Elsa Hernandez, Gabriel Roth, Greg Rippin, Jasmine Klinger, Jeremy Johnston, Julie Canfer,
0:41:26 Lyric Bowditch, Morgan Levy, Neal Coruth, Rebecca Lee Douglas, Sarah Lilly, and Teo Jacobs.
0:41:32 Our theme song is “Mr. Fortune” by the Hitchhikers and our composer is Louise Guerra.
0:41:37 As always, thank you for listening.
0:41:54 Stitcher.
0:41:55 (upbeat music)
0:41:57 you

An update of our 2020 series, in which we spoke with physicians, researchers, and addicts about the root causes of the crisis — and the tension between abstinence and harm reduction.


    • Gail D’Onofrio, professor and chair of emergency medicine at the Yale School of Medicine and chief of emergency services at Yale-New Haven Health.
    • Keith Humphreys, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford University.
    • Stephen Loyd, chief medical officer of Cedar Recovery and chair of the Tennessee Opioid Abatement Council.
    • Nicole O’Donnell, certified recovery specialist at the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Addiction Medicine and Policy.
    • Jeanmarie Perrone, professor of emergency medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.
    • Eileen Richardson, restaurant manager.



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