Freakonomics Radio

  • Why Is U.S. Media So Negative? (Ep. 477 Replay)

    Breaking news! Sources say American journalism exploits our negativity bias to maximize profits, and social media algorithms add fuel to the fire. Stephen Dubner investigates.

  • The Pros and Cons of America’s (Extreme) Individualism (Ep. 470 Replay)

    According to a decades-long research project, the U.S. is not only the most individualistic country on earth; we’re also high on indulgence, short-term thinking, and masculinity (but low on “uncertainty avoidance,” if that makes you…

  • The U.S. Is Just Different — So Let’s Stop Pretending We’re Not (Ep. 469 Replay)

    We often look to other countries for smart policies on education, healthcare, infrastructure, etc. But can a smart policy be simply transplanted into a country as culturally unusual (and as supremely WEIRD) as America?

  • 512. Does Philosophy Still Matter?

    It used to be at the center of our conversations about politics and society. Scott Hershovitz (author of Nasty, Brutish, and Short) argues that philosophy still has a lot to say about work, justice, and…

  • 511. Why Did You Marry That Person?

    Sure, you were “in love.” But economists — using evidence from Bridgerton to Tinder — point to what’s called “assortative mating.” And it has some unpleasant consequences for society.

  • The Economist’s Guide to Parenting: 10 Years Later (Ep. 479 Replay)

    In one of the earliest Freakonomics Radio episodes, we asked a bunch of economists with young kids how they approached child-rearing. Now the kids are old enough to talk — and they have a lot…

  • 510. What Problems Does Crypto Solve, Anyway?

    Boosters say blockchain technology will usher in a brave new era of decentralization. Are they right — and would it be a dream or a nightmare? (Part 3 of “What Can Blockchain Do for You?”)

  • 509. Are N.F.T.s All Scams?

    Some of them are. With others, it’s more complicated (and more promising). We try to get past the Bored Apes and the ripoffs to see if we can find art on the blockchain. (Part 2…

  • 508. Does the Crypto Crash Mean the Blockchain Is Over?

    No. But now is a good time to sort out the potential from the hype. Whether you’re bullish, bearish, or just confused, we’re here to explain what the blockchain can do for you. (Part 1…

  • 507. 103 Pieces of Advice That May or May Not Work

    Kevin Kelly calls himself “the most optimistic person in the world.” And he has a lot to say about parenting, travel, A.I., being luckier — and why we should spend way more time on YouTube.