a16z Podcast

  • Gaming and Livestreaming: Connecting While Distancing

    Since social distancing measures were first put in place, time spent gaming has gone up—way up. According to a recent report by Verizon, video game usage in the U.S. has risen 75 percent during peak…

  • The Hustlers’s Guide to Suing the Man

    This is the next cycle (Q1 2020) of Hustlin’ Tech, a podcast series (from the a16z Podcast) about technology platforms that create opportunities for people. Recorded right before the coronavirus pandemic, these next 3 episodes…

  • The Hustler’s Guide to Elder Care

    This is the next cycle (Q1 2020) of Hustlin’ Tech, a podcast series (from the a16z Podcast) about technology platforms that create opportunities for people. Recorded right before the coronavirus pandemic, these next 3 episodes…

  • The Hustler’s Guide to Nursing Jobs

    This is the next cycle (Q1 2020) of Hustlin’ Tech, a podcast series (from the a16z Podcast) about technology platforms that create opportunities for people. Recorded right before the coronavirus pandemic, these next 3 episodes…

  • Hustlin’ Tech, Round Two

    This is the next cycle of Hustlin’ Tech — a podcast series co-hosted by bestselling authors, a16z co-founder Ben Horowitz; and Shaka Senghor, a leading voice in criminal justice reform.    Each episode is a…

  • Security When the Workforce Goes Remote

    We are in the midst of a rapid and unprecedented shift to remote work. What does it mean for security when the airgap between work and life is gone? How prepared are organizations? And what…

  • The Delivery-Optimized Future of Food

    The spike in online ordering and food delivery—a trend that’s particularly relevant now—is evidence of how tech is fundamentally changing how and what we eat. Is this the end of the traditional restaurant experience as…

  • Remote Work and Our New Reality

    We discuss the rise of remote work amid the novel coronavirus pandemic, and the platforms powering our newly homebound workforce (and student body) including creative use cases for video conferencing and streaming.

  • When Medicine Goes Virtual

    We’re at a moment where we are now seeing medicine go virtual faster, and at a scale that it has never done before. In this conversation,  a16z bio general partners Vijay Pande and Julie Yoo, who come from the worlds…

  • Labs for Diagnostics: Then, Now, and Next

    A lot’s going on in the world of healthcare right now, and one topic that’s especially relevant is how diagnostic labs work. In this episode with Dave King, Executive Chairman of Lab Corp (one of…